
  • 网络SYV;Video;VGA;Video cable;video line
  1. 广泛应用在光纤、电缆、电脑电源线、HDMI线、音视频线及汽车、空调、冰箱等线束的保护及美化上。

    Widely used in optical fiber , cable , computer power cord , HDMI cable , audio and video lines and cars , air conditioners , refrigerators and other wiring harness on the protection and beautification .

  2. 与同类产品相比,传输介质只有一条网线,摆脱了视频线与信号线必须同时使用的现象,降低了成本。

    Using the technique of analog signals and digital signals transmitting in one Internet line which cut down the cost of the system .

  3. 针对高速公路上车辆违章超速行为,给出了一种基于虚拟视频检测线的车辆速度检测与违章超速行为判定的实用算法。

    As to the peccant overspeed behavior of vehicles in expressway , this paper studies a detection and judgment arithmetic of peccant overspeed behavior based on virtual video detection lines .

  4. 华凌电子元件厂是专业生产各种电子接插件,音视频连接线,网络通讯电缆,电脑线,光纤电缆的厂家。

    Hualing Electronic Components Factory is a leading enterprise specialized in producing variety of connectors , electrical connection wire , audio & video cable , computer cable , fiber optic cable .

  5. 数百名南北韩人星期二通过视频联线心情激动地和亲人团聚。

    Koreas Hold Family Reunions Via Video Link Hundreds of North and South Koreans held emotional family reunions through video links Tuesday as part of renewed reconciliation efforts between the two countries .

  6. 用视频技术(线阵CCD传感器)与图像数据处理系统相结合的方法,研制开发了热轧钢坯尺寸在线实时自动检测系统。

    The system of prompt measurement on-line of hot bloom size is researched and exploited by way of video-based systems combining with-image-data process systems .

  7. 同时,此类极线校正方法仅适用于在后期处理中对3D视频做极线校正处理,不能够在3D节目拍摄现场为摄像机姿态的调整提供指导信息。

    Meanwhile , such epipolar rectification methods only apply to the post-processing of 3D video program and not able to provide guidance information to the camera adjustment in 3D program shooting .

  8. 系统通过对视频虚拟检测线的预处理将二维的数字图像信号转化为一维的检测信号。

    The key idea of the system is converting the 2-dimensional digital image to 1-dimensional detection signal by virtual detection line preprocessing , which simplify computation .

  9. 如果学员对某一课程感兴趣,他们可以参加线下课程或者观看在线课程的免费视频,而线下课程则需要注册。

    If students are interested in a course , they can either take offline classes or watch online course videos for free . But the former requires registration .

  10. 视频可以通过“线内播放”,也可以通过播放器播放,这主要取决于所使用的HTML元素。

    Videos can be played " inline " or by a " helper ", depending on the HTML element you use .

  11. FlashPlayer非常适合在图形设计器中使用,简化了视频剪辑、时间线、横标广告等的创建。

    Flash Player as it exists now is well suited for graphics designers , simplifying how you create MovieClips , time lines , banner ads , and so on .

  12. 该文用FPGA+DSP实现了宽带图像信号的实时直线提取,适用于通常的视频图像信号和线阵CCD成像的连续图像信号。

    A hardware solution for real time line extraction from broadband image signals is presented . The realization is based upon FPGA + DSP architecture . The line extraction module can process both the common frame based video signals and the continuous image signals generalized by a line array CCD .

  13. 本实用新型同时还公开了一种改善音视频传输的电源线插头。

    The power cable also discloses a power cable plug which can improve the transmission of audio and video frequencies .

  14. 用户只需要在关键帧中简单得勾勒出物体的轮廓,系统就可以自动进行视频分割,匹配并调整视频分割轮廓线和插值轮廓线,生成两个关键帧之间时空域上的语义区。

    The user simply need outline objects on keyframes , and the system automatically produces semantic regions for every frame .

  15. 然后对前景视频对象引入了增强的人脸模型进行高效的压缩编码,对背景视频提出了中心线最大相似象素匹配算法,实现了实时的Sprite编码;

    Second , it enhances the face model to encode the human face object , builds up the Most Middle Long Approximate Pixels Matching ( MMLAPM ) algorithm to realize the real-time sprite coding . The third .