
  • 网络video glasses;Video Eyewear;HMD Video Glasses
  1. 技术凉鞋,视频眼镜,和LED产品的功能和操纵鞋带可怕的,而时尚(“真正的”时尚,知道是什么意思),是美丽的和无用的。

    Technical sandals , video glasses , and LED-rigged shoelaces are functional and hideous , whereas fashion (" real " fashion , whatever that means ) is beautiful and useless .

  2. 这是他自己的路的现成可穿戴计算系统,一个难解的东西已经过时了Windows智能手机连接到一对个人视频眼镜通过在他的短裤笨重的电池组。

    It was his own off-the-shelf wearable computing system , a gordian thing connecting his outdated Windows smartphone to a pair of personal video glasses via an unwieldy battery pack in his shorts .

  3. 视频信号从眼镜中的微型摄像机传送到电极之中,刺激特定的神经元,从而生成影像。

    Video signals from a tiny camera inside a pair of eyeglasses are passed into the electrodes , stimulating specific neurons to produce images .

  4. 谷歌还发布了一段相关视频,视频显示这种眼镜适用于各种情景,可以用于户外导航,也可以用来记录拍照。

    It has also posted a video ( see below ) that shows how the specs can be used in various situations , including navigating on a road and taking photos of memorable moments .