
shì sù dù
  • apparent velocity
  1. 为克服面波压制方法的缺点,使用联合滤波方法对面波进行压制,并提出了f-k滤波的参数选取改进算法-频率-视速度滤波方法。

    Using the united methods to suppress surface waves , to overcome the disadvantages . In addition , a improvement F-K filter method velocity filtering method ( frequency - apparent velocity filter ) is proposed .

  2. 本文根据地震波视速度和偏振特性,导出波场分离矩阵是视慢度p和波速Vp、Vs的函数。

    By applying seismic apparent velocity and polarization property in derivation , we come to the conclusion that the wave field separation matrix is the function of apparent slowness p , wave velocities Vp and Vs.

  3. 参数p(和△p)可根据最大和最小水平视速度、假频和计算速度等因素考虑。

    ρ and △ρ can be determined by overall considering the factors such as maximum and minimum horizontal apparent velocities , aliasing , computation speed , etc.

  4. 中值滤波较通常的二维视速度滤波更能有效地突出波组特征,分离VSP波场的效果也较二维滤波优越。

    Median filtering can highlight wave band better than 2-D velocity filtering does . It also causes a better VSP wave field separation .

  5. 本文根据三分量VSP记录中波的偏振特性和视速度特性制定出一种两步法来进行波场分离。

    This article chooses a kind of two-step method for wave field separation by the polarization characteristics and apparent velocity characteristics of the wave field of three-component offset VSP data .

  6. 目前应用的工程地质推断、地质雷达探测、反射地震负视速度法、TSP和TRT技术有一定的效果,但在目标判别、定位和岩体工程分类的可靠性方面还需要改进。

    The techniques used now including engineering geology examination , GPR , TSP and TRT are efficient in some cases , but they need improving in reliability aspects of object recognition , position and rock engineering classification .

  7. 地震数据处理中压制频散瑞雷波通常是利用其低频特征采用高通滤波,或利用其低视速度传播特征采用f-K滤波的方法来实现。

    In seismic data processing , the dispersive Rayleigh waves ' being compressed may be realized by use of high-pass filtering method in consideration of their low frequency features or by applying f-k filtering method according to their low apparent velocity propagating characteristics .

  8. 基于视速度的波场变换的叠前强相干噪音压制技术

    Coherent Noise Elimination Technique Based on Wave Field Transform Using Apparent Velocity

  9. 基于小波网络的遥测视速度异常数据剔除方法

    Eliminating Abnormal Data in Apparent Velocity of Telemetry based on Wavelet Network

  10. 视速度和偏振是地震波的两个重要特性。

    Apparent velocity and polarization are important characters of seis - mic wave .

  11. 最后通过二维滤波处理,消除了低视速度的电缆波和套管波。

    Finally , 2D filtering is used to eliminate low velocity cable wave and tube wave .

  12. 视速度分析及应用

    Analysis and application of apparent velocities

  13. 不等灵敏度线性组合更有利于压制较低视速度的面波;

    Linear array with unequal sensitivity is more favorable for suppression of surface wave having lower apparent velocity ;

  14. 文中在分析弹道导弹运动特性的基础上,提出视速度增量校正方法,仿真表明该方法的计算精度高于直接插值计算方法。

    The Method of acceleration correction is proposed based on the analysis of the movement characteristics of ballistic missile .

  15. 通常干扰波压制技术是利用有效波与干扰波的频率差异和视速度差异来分离和压制干扰的。

    Most suppression techniques are based on the difference in frequency content and the apparent velocity difference between primaries and interferences .

  16. 在地震记录中的同-CDP道集内,有效波与干扰波在视速度、频率和振幅方面存在差异,主要表现为相邻地震记录道的相似性及振幅级别的变化。

    In a CDP seismic trace gather , effective wave is different from noise wave in apparent velocity , frequency and amplitude .

  17. 利用这个方法,从视速度、截距时、表层速度可反算出炮点位置的界面深度、层速度、界面倾角等参数。

    The method can evaluate the interval velocities , interfacial dips and depths by using the apparent velocities , intercept times and surface velocity .

  18. 以往人们对面波压制方法的研究,基本上是依据面波的频率特性或视速度特性,并在实际应用中见到了一定的效果。

    Ordinary surface wave elimination methods were developed usually onthe frequency and apparent velocity characteristics of surface wave , and bring positive effect in practice .

  19. 它具有视速度低,频率低,振动幅度强,衰减慢等特点。

    It has regards the speed lowly , the frequency low , the vibration scope is strong , weakens and so on the characteristic slowly .

  20. 这种方法把噪声在整个处理平面上的视速度近似看作常量(正值或负值),可以有效地消除地震剖面上的线性噪声、面波以及多次波等,并且对信号的保真度高。

    The method looks to the apparent velocity , that noise is on whole processing plane , approximately as constant ( positive or negative value ), which can effectively eliminate the linear noise , surface wave and multiple etc.

  21. 但由于地震仪带道能力增强,排列长度加长,使地震有效波视速度在远道减小,并受到不同程度的检波器组合压制,尤其是对高频有效信号的压制更为严重。

    Since increasing channel capability in seismogram and length of spread , the apparent velocities of seismic useful waves are reduced in the far-offset traces and suppressed in different degree by geophone array , even more serious for high-frequency useful signals .

  22. 但是,野外施工条件往往限制了大面积组合的应用,而且反射波的视速度由于大排列接收而降低,低速度的波又会受到大基距组合检波的压制。

    But the application of such geophone array is constantly restricted by the working conditions in the field , the apparent velocity will be lessened by the long spread and the waves in low appa - rent velocity are suppressed by the long base length geophone array .

  23. 此方法由于引入了相位差概念并结合已有的自功率谱、相干函数、视速度模型,从而使得生成具有时-频非平稳特性的空间变异地震动的过程更为直接和简便。

    This method with some empirical power spectrum density ( PSD ) models , coherency function models and the modles of apparent velocity can make it easy and directly to be done that generates the spatial varying ground motions be - cause of importing the concept of phase-difference .

  24. 食双星RTPer光变和视向速度曲线统一解

    Simultaneous solution of light and radial velocity curves for eclipsing binary RT per

  25. 1979&1980年ζAur食期间的视向速度

    The radial velocity of ξ AUR in its ecliptic course from 1979 to 1980

  26. 包括环和HⅡ区在内的整个系统视向速度为-61km/s,该系统居于视向速度为-57km/s的更大分子云中。

    The whole system , including the HII region and the gas-dust ring , moves at a sight line velocity of - 61.0 km / s in a large cloud that has a sight line velocity of - 57 km / s.

  27. 使用像管摄谱仪和Reticon探测器获得了食双星AAUMa的高色散和高时间分辨率的光谱,并用交叉相关函数法测得其视向速度。

    High dispersion and time resolution spectra have been obtained for the eclipsing binary AA UMa by means of an intensified Reticon .

  28. 8个富星系团天区中星系的视向速度成员概率

    Radial velocity membership probabilities of galaxies in 8 rich galaxy cluster regions

  29. 1991年3月5日的喷泉状爆发日珥及视向速度分布

    The Spray-Like Eruptive Prominence and Its Velocity Distribution on March 5 , 1991

  30. 用连续流量计确定两相生产井视流体速度的方法

    Determination of Apparent Velocity of Flow in Bi-phase Producing Wells with Continuous Flowmeter