
  1. 他们觉得超光速旅行是不可能的。

    Mainly because they said that 's impossible with an enormous speed could travel in time .

  2. 穆斯克接着聊起了超光速太空旅行、火星移民等太空计划,以及一个名为Hyperloop的高速交通系统。这个系统的速度将是高速列车的三到四倍,不会撞车,而且不受气候的影响。

    Musk went on to consider bending space to allow for faster-than-light travel , Mars settlements , and a rapid transit system called a Hyperloop that is three or four times faster than a bullet train , would never crash , and is immune to weather .

  3. 这个消息让科幻迷们欢欣鼓舞,因为超光速可能使时间旅行变为现实。

    Science fiction enthusiasts rejoiced , because superluminal speeds could lead to travel backwards or forwards in time .