
  • 网络Ultrasonics;ultrasonic tester
  1. 智能化便携式超声波检测仪的研制

    Development of Portable Digital Ultrasonic Testing Device

  2. 本文介绍了一种新型的使用B型超声波检测仪定位的小型化体外冲击波碎石机。

    This paper describes a new minim Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripter ( minim ESWLter ) using a B-ultrasonic location system .

  3. 数字型超声波检测仪制造厂家只提供了操作规程,没有仪器设计原理,这样容易导致在使用中对有些功能理解上的欠缺。

    The manufacturer only provides operating specifications of digital ultrasonic inspection instrument , without design principle it will induce understanding deficiency on the function .

  4. 这一提议在美国本土并不会收获良好效果,在美国,孕妇们在20周之前通过超声波检测仪了解腹中胎儿的性别已成惯例。

    That probably wouldn 't go over well stateside , where pregnant women have become accustomed to learning their baby 's sex courtesy of an ultrasound wand before 20 weeks .

  5. 利用SYC&2型非金属超声波检测仪设计了动态损伤监测系统,获得了冻风积土的抗压强度、抗拉强度、弹性模量等物理参数和声波参数的关系;

    The dynamic damage test system ( DDTS ) is designed by making use of SYC-2 nonmetal supersonic test meter . The relations between compressive strength , tensile strength , elastic modulus , etc.

  6. 该仪器不仅具有数字化超声波检测仪的功能,而且可以对缺陷进行实时C+A成象显示和图象的后处理。

    Application of Ultrasonic Inspection Instrument to the Heating Furnace in Oil Plant The unit can be used not only for digital detection but also for real ~ time C + A scan and image post-processing .

  7. 超声波液位检测仪的设计超声波液位测量仪

    The Design of Ultrasonic Level Measurement Device

  8. 智能超声波牛奶检测仪的设计

    Design of ultrasonic intelligent milk measurement instrument

  9. 介绍便携式超声波应力检测仪的工作原理及使用效果。

    The working principles and application effects of portable ultrasonic stress inspection gauge are described .

  10. 本文介绍非接触或单探头超声波物位检测仪的原理,分析影响检测仪正常使用的因素及其安装要求。

    The paper introduces not touching single supersonic probe level measurement theory of operation , describes sort of factors that influences on measurement and install claim .

  11. 基于超声波的局部放电检测仪的研制

    Development of an Instrument in Partial Discharge Detector Based on Ultrasonic

  12. 微机化的超声波气体流量在线检测仪

    Microcomputer-based On-line Ultrasonic Instrument For Measurement of the Gas Flow

  13. 本文介绍了我们所研制的超声波静脉血管定位检测仪。

    This paper reports a location measurement instrument of vein vessel by ultrasound .

  14. 基于超声波振动频率特性与零件表面硬度的对应关系,研制开发了超声波硬度检测仪,有效解决了材料表面硬度的无损检测问题。

    Based on the corresponding relationship between ultrasonic vibration frequency and hardness of part surface , an ultrasonic-based hardness tester was developed to detect the hardness without destruction on material surface .