
  • 网络unit trust;Unit investment trust
  1. 施罗德集团的房地产业务可以追溯到1971年,当时该集团设立了一只地产单位信托基金。

    Schroders ' property business dates back to 1971 when the company set up a property unit trust .

  2. 1999年在香港交易所上市的单位信托基金,其目的是出售外汇基金持有的部分香港股票。

    The unit trust listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in1999to dispose of part of the exchange funds Hong Kong equity portfolio .

  3. ETF还像单位信托(UnitTrusts)产品那样有一个开放式架构,意味着它们可以通过发行和取消份额来满足投资者的供给和需求。

    ETFs also have an open-ended structure , as do Unit Trusts , meaning that they can issue or cancel shares to meet the supply and demand of the investor .

  4. 在英国投资管理协会(InvestmentManagementAssociation)监控的1844个单位信托和开放投资公司中,2006年表现最佳两只基金是Neptune俄罗斯及大俄罗斯基金和Neptune中国基金,而格芬是管理这两只基金的经理。

    Of the 1,844 unit trusts and open-ended investment companies monitored by the UK 's Investment Management Association , the best two performing funds in 2006 were Neptune Russia and Greater Russia and Neptune China , both managed by Mr Geffen .

  5. 它率先大举将其地产单位信托基金推向养老基金市场,率先推出了一个位于泽西的投资工具,还开创出多重经理人(multi-manager)方式。

    It was first to market its property unit trust aggressively to the pension fund market , first to launch a Jersey-based vehicle , and sowed the seeds of the multi-manager approach .

  6. 又或者,投资者可以考虑投资固定收入单位信托。

    Alternatively , investors can consider investing in fixed income unit trusts .

  7. 如养老基金、投资信托基金、单位信托基金、海外基金等。

    Pension funds , investment trusts , unit trusts and offshore funds .

  8. 单位信托基金将成为被一个专业经理管理的资金投资。

    These unit trusts are investment portfolios managed by a professional fund manager .

  9. 在众多的单位信托中,只有少数是我们所青睐的。

    There are many unit trusts out there , but these are the few that we like .

  10. 如果您是第一次认购单位信托,请使用此项服务。

    You should use this feature if this is the first time you are buying unit trusts .

  11. 威廉是一名基金经理,专责管理多只属低风险投资的单位信托基金。

    William is a fund manager who manages a number of Asian unit trusts comprising of low stake .

  12. 在岸单位信托基金只能面向养老基金和慈善机构销售,而离岸基金则不受限制。

    Onshore unit trusts could only be sold to pension funds and charities . Offshore funds were not restricted .

  13. 投资单位信托基金是其中一个分散投资的方式,而投资一个单位通常只需1元左右。

    One way to diversify is to invest in unit trusts which usually cost about $ 1 per unit when launched .

  14. 除个人金融规划以外,避税天堂还为企业、对冲基金、投资信托基金和单位信托基金提供服务。

    As well as personal financial planning , tax havens provide services to companies , hedge funds , investment trusts and unit trusts .

  15. 权证价值衍生自另一种金融工具,如股份、货币、指数或单位信托的单位等。

    Warrants derive their value from another financial instrument such as shares , currency , an index or units in a unit trust .

  16. 单位信托的好处是,投资者可作较小数额的投资,典型投资额是1000元。

    The benefits of unit trusts are that investors are able to invest in smaller denominations with typical invest-ments of S $ 1,000 .

  17. 年底时,认可单位信托及互惠基金数目,由上一年的1637个减至1583个。

    The number of authorised unit trusts and mutual funds decreased to 1 583 at end of 1999 compared with 1 637 a year earlier .

  18. 一般相信,这次成功推出新产品,对香港单位信托及互惠基金的发展会有帮助。

    It is generally believed that the successful launching of this new product will be conducive to the development of the unit trusts and mutual funds in Hong Kong .

  19. 随着养老基金托管人认识到,直接投资地产对时间管理的要求过高,而组合投资方式似乎更具吸引力,因此单位信托基金开始受到追捧。

    Unit trusts started to gain traction as pension fund trustees realised direct investment in property was too demanding of management time , and the pooled route appeared more attractive .

  20. 基金有广义和狭义之分,从广义上说,基金是机构投资者的统称,包括信托投资基金、单位信托基金、公积金、保险基金、退休基金,各种基金会的基金。

    Funds have broad and narrow the points , a broad sense , the fund is collectively referred to institutional investors , including investment trust funds , unit trust funds , provident funds , insurance funds , pension funds , foundations funds .

  21. 这种借钱的能力,又称杠杆融资,被看成是投资信托相对于类似的储蓄工具拥有的一种优势,因为它可以更好地使前者利用投资机会,如单位信托基金。

    This ability to borrow money , or gear up , is seen as an advantage that investment trusts have over similar savings vehicles , such as unit trusts , as it can allow them to take greater advantage of investment opportunities .

  22. 你可以在单位投资信托公司投资至少1000美元。

    You can invest in a unit investment trust for as little as $ 1000 .