
  • 网络Debt Security;Debt instrument;CDO
  1. 合资格及特别债务证券b.债券投资组合管理

    Qualifying and special debt securities b. Managing Bond Portfolios

  2. 国际清算银行(BIS)数据显示,2013年底,中国人持有的国际债务证券总额达2730亿美元,比以居住地计算的总额高出4倍以上。

    Data from the Bank for International Settlements show Chinese nationals had international debt securities totalling $ 273bn at the end of 2013 , more than five times the sum by residency .

  3. 资产证券化的抵押债务证券融资模式(CDOs)研究

    The Study on the Collateralized Debt Obligations Mode of Asset Securitization

  4. 杠杆化的efsf将产生最不可取的欧元债券:一种有毒债务证券。

    A leveraged EFSF would have the worst kind of Eurobond : a tranche in a toxic debt security .

  5. 抵押债务证券(CDO)作为一种信用衍生品,第一笔交易于1988年出现在美国,然后在欧美迅速发展。

    Collateralized Debt Obligation ( CDO ) as a credit derivatives , the first transaction in 1988 in the United States , then got rapid development in Europe .

  6. 澳大利亚投资银行WestpacInstitutionalBank的债务证券及企业集团联合主管SimonLing补充道:它创造了大量现金,这些养老基金需要将其用于投资。

    Simon Ling , joint head of debt securities and syndicate at Westpac Institutional Bank , the Australian investment bank , added : It has created a vast pool of cash , which these pension funds need to invest .

  7. Ambac、MBIA及FGIC等债券保险商正同银行进行谈判,欲结清它们对高风险债务证券高达1250亿美元的保险。这可能是控制债券保险商财务损失的唯一办法。

    Bond insurers such as Ambac , MBIA and FGIC are talking to banks about wiping out $ 125bn of insurance on risky debt securities in what could be the only way to limit the financial damage surrounding the bond insurers .

  8. 公司资产具有跳-扩散过程的债务证券定价

    The Pricing of Corporate Debt Securities Based on Jump-diffusion Process

  9. 债务证券通常是通过购买公司债券来获得的。

    A debt security is usually acquired by buying a company 's bonds .

  10. 发行资产支撑证券和/或债务证券。

    Issuing asset-backed securities and / or debt securities .

  11. 债务证券包括贷款和债券。

    Debt securities include loans and bonds .

  12. 该计划的设计思路,与某些比较古怪的债务证券一样。

    It is constructed in the same spirit as some of the more eccentric debt securities .

  13. 合资格及特别债务证券

    Qualifying and special debt securities

  14. 对无法进入正规债券市场的实力较弱企业来说,这种做法实际上相当于非正式的债务证券化。

    This is effectively informal debt securitisation for weaker firms unable to access the formal bond market .

  15. 按揭证券公司发行的债务证券极受金融机构、机构投资者和散户投资者欢迎。

    The HKMC debt securities were well received by financial institutions , institutional investors and retail investors .

  16. 如果这个机构买入债务证券的卖出期权,显然是进行套作保值。

    If this institution bought a put option on a debt security , it would be clearly hedging .

  17. 作为回报,特殊目的机构将向银行发行由政府担保的新债务证券。

    In return , the SPV issues new debt securities to the bank , guaranteed by the government .

  18. 房利美和房地美之后,古老的债务证券或许能够帮助美国。

    Sep11th2008 From The Economist print edition An ancient debt instrument may help America after Fannie and Freddie .

  19. 但百分之九十五名日本的债务证券持有的日本,主要是银行和退休基金。

    But ninety-five percent of Japan 's debt securities are held by Japanese , mostly banks and retirement funds .

  20. 此举符合国际的最佳做法,为债务证券提供高效率、稳健及无风险的结算及交收系统。

    This matches international best practice in providing efficient , robust and risk-free clearing and settlement facilities for debt securities .

  21. 在回购交易中,债务证券的卖方承诺,日后按约定价格重新买回这些证券。

    In a repo transaction , sellers of debt securities promise to buy them back later for an agreed price .

  22. 战争债券政府发行的债务证券,目的在于在战争时期筹集军费。

    War bond debt securities issued by a government for the purpose of financing military operations during times of war .

  23. 第二,计划可提高贷方收益率,以增加私营机构债务证券对投资者的吸引力。

    Secondly , it will increase the attractiveness of private sector securities to investors by enhancing the yields for the lenders .

  24. 这包括外汇基金的银行存款,以及持有由香港公营机构发行的债务证券。

    This comprises bank deposits and investments in debt securities issued by public sector entities in Hong Kong held by the exchange fund .

  25. 金融稳定委员会预计,银行至少可以利用此类可自救的债务证券,满足三分之一的资本金要求。

    The FSB said it expects that banks will be able to use such ' bail-in-able ' debt securities to meet at least one-third of the requirement .

  26. 分析人士称,天弘将所有余额宝资金都投入了货币市场基金,主要包括银行间贷款及部分短期债务证券。

    Tianhong invests all the Yu'E Bao cash in money market funds , mainly consisting of interbank loans and some short-term debt securities , according to analysts .

  27. 这些服务可供香港及其他地区的发债人及投资者使用,并接受港元或其他货币计值的债务证券。

    These services are available to issuers and investors in Hong Kong and further afield , and for debt securities denominated in Hong Kong dollars or other currencies .

  28. 金管局又利用即时支付结算系统的功能,把货银两讫结算服务由债务证券交易扩展至股票交易上。

    Building upon the capability of the RTGS system , the HKMA has extended the Delivery versus Payment ( DvP ) facility for debt securities transaction to share transactions .

  29. 首先,卖家能通过这个计划借取债务证券,减低卖家因缺货以致无法结算的机会,从而提高债务工具中央结算系统债务证券结算效率。

    First , it will improve the settlement efficiency of CMU instruments as securities made available by borrowing through the programme will help to reduce the chance of settlement failure .

  30. (制造,包装,销售风险日益上升的住房抵押贷款产品以及其他债务证券产品的传统业务,是华尔街在2008年遭受重创的原因。)

    ( What sunk Wall Street in 2008 was the seemingly more conventional business of the manufacture , packaging and sale of increasingly risky mortgage-backed and other debt securities . )