
zhài quàn pínɡ jí jī ɡòu
  • bond rating agency
  1. 二是对我国现在主流的债券评级机构的评级方法进行了分析和提炼,揭示出我国目前债券评级业务的主要方式和指标。

    Second main level reviews the important domestic bond rating agencies services , abstracts their main bond rating methods and indexes .

  2. 债券评级机构以往作出的类似举动,到头来要么无关紧要,要么实际上在向债务和股票投资者发出买入信号。

    Similar moves by the bond raters in the past have actually turned out to be somewhere between non-events to a buy rating for debt and equity investors .

  3. 贷款下降的同时,大银行开始面临监管部门及债券评级机构更加严格的审查,同时,越来越多的迹象表明,美国经济正在再次走软。

    The loan drop comes as big banks face new scrutiny from regulators and bond rating firms , and when there are growing signs that the economy is weakening , again .

  4. 从明年开始,如果债券被三大评级机构中的任何一家评为A-或更高级的话,那么它们将再次唯一有资格充当希腊在欧洲央行的可抵押品。

    From next year bonds will again only be eligible as collateral at the European Central Bank if they are rated A-or above by at least one of the three big rating firms .