
  • 网络DUNS;bradstreet;Dun and Bradstreet;DNB
  1. 上周我们谈到安妮邓白氏和妇女在清教徒殖民地的作用。

    Last week we talked about Anne Bradstreet and the role of women in thePuritancolonies .

  2. 其中一项顾问服务是受国际评级机构香港邓白氏委讬,制定一套有关中港上市公司的公司管治新评分方法。

    One of the consultancy projects , funded by international credit rating agency Dun & Bradstreet ( HK ) Ltd. , is to develop a new corporate governance rating scheme for listed firms in the region .

  3. 参与创业加速器500Startups训练的公司则能享受250种优惠,包括免费使用群发电子邮件服务SendGrid一年,获得信用管理公司邓白氏(DunandBradstreet)的免费商业信用报告咨询,以及价格更便宜的办公室零食。

    Participants in the 500 Startups accelerator have access to 250 different perks , including a year of free email distribution from SendGrid , a free business credit report consultation from Dun and Bradstreet , and cheaper snacks for the office .

  4. 为巩固和标准化的供应基地的埃尔斯特集团是必要的,每一个供应商的埃尔斯特集团拥有邓白氏号码。

    For the consolidation and standardization of the supplier base of the Elster Group is it necessary , that every supplier of the Elster Group has a DUNS number .