
  • 网络Network Module;Net module
  1. 然后应用MATLAB中BP神经网络模块进行模式识别。

    And then taking pattern recognition in the use of the BP neural network module of MATLAB .

  2. 研究了嵌入式Internet技术和TCP/IP协议,选择了本系统所使用的网络模块,并把CP/IP协议包重新组合,设计了局域网通信的程序。

    Research embedded internet technology and TCP / IP protocol , select the network module . Recombine the TCP / IP protocol packet and design the LAN communication program .

  3. net:在最顶层模块基础上的特定于Chromium的网络模块。

    Net : Some Chromium-specific stuff on top of the net top-level module .

  4. 网关模块网络模块是调制解调器或PC与网络线之间的接口。

    Network Gateway Module A device acting as an interface between a modem or PC and the network wire .

  5. 该系统由数据库管理模块、BP人工神经网络模块、传统预测模块以及图形显示模块等组成。

    The system consists of a database management module , BP ANN module , traditional predictive module , graphic module , etc.

  6. net开发了谐波电能计量误差分析软件,并应用多线程技术,把神经网络模块和计算模块等放在主线程中实现,而把数据采集模块放在后台工作线程中。

    Multi-thread technology is adopted , which puts the neural network module and calculation module into the main thread , and the data acquisition module into background thread .

  7. 因为其结果可能会有所不同,所以利用D-S证据理论,对神经网络模块的初级检测结果进行数据融合。

    D-S evidence theory is uesed to infuse data of the elementary result of NN module .

  8. 本论文中GIS状态监测系统的下位机为PC/104嵌入式微机,主要由A/D采样模块和CPU网络模块组成。

    In this thesis , the sampling client is a PC / 104 embedded microcomputer that consists of the A / D model and the CPU / Ethnet model .

  9. 网络模块是DV格式在因特网上的传输;

    The network module is in charge of the transportation of the DV data through the Internet .

  10. 神经网络模块采用离线训练方法,应用误差反向传播(BP)算法,选择前向三层人工神经网络的模型得以实现。

    The neural network program module is trained offline , and uses error back propagation ( BP ) algorithm , which is realized through a three layered feedforward neural network model .

  11. 其中网络模块里面主要包含三部分内容:PPP协议在嵌入式操作系统uClinux中的配置,PPP拨号脚本的编写和Socket通讯编程。

    The network module design includes three parts : PPP configuration in uClinux , ppp chat script and socket communication program ;

  12. 在分析GPRS和嵌入式网络模块特点的基础上,重点描述了数据传输系统的整体架构和软件设计流程。

    After analysis of the characteristics of GPRS and embedded network developing module , the whole structure and soft design flow of the wireless data transmission system are described .

  13. 将专家系统模块不能检测出来的数据包送入到神经网络模块中,通过PCA进行特征提取,进行数据预处理,再利用BP神经网络进行训练模块的设计。

    Sending the network packets which cannot be detected in expert system module into neural network module , extracting features through PCA , preprocessing the data , then designing the training module with BP neural network .

  14. 同时,分类器采用多神经网络模块结构,将以往BP网络规模大小与问题复杂性的矛盾转化为系统规模大小与问题复杂性的矛盾。

    The classifier is a multi-module neural network , so the conflict between the scale of BP network and the complexity of recognition tasks can be transformed to the conflict between the scale of recognition system and the complexity of recognition tasks .

  15. 建立调试环境,逐步完成了CPU的启动及复位控制字的读取、SDRAM的测试、Norflash的测试、串口的调试和网络模块的调试。U-Boot移植。

    Complete the establishment of debugging environment , CPU starting up and reset control words reading , SDRAM testing , NOR Flash testing , serial debugging and network module debugging gradually.U-Boot porting .

  16. 采用模块化设计思想,提出了网络模块、缓存模块、语法及语义解析模块模块、显示模块、UI模块五个基本模块,并给出了每个模块的具体数据结构;

    Uses the modular design thought , proposed the network module , cache module , the grammar and the semantic interpretation modules module , the display module , the UI module five basic modules , and have produced each module specific data structure ;

  17. 详尽阐述了ATMoverADSL接入网的组网方式和网络模块功能,分析了各种不同的协议模型,并得出结论,ATMoverADSL接入网将获得广泛的应用。

    This paper introduces the construction of access networks based on ATM over ADSL technologies in detail , and analyses all kinds of protocol stacks . We conclude that ATM over ADSL technologies will be applied widely in a short time .

  18. DECD算法使用差异进化算法作为搜索算法并采用网络模块化函数作为适应度函数来搜索复杂网络中的社区结构。

    DECD employs DE as the search engine and uses the network modularity as the fitness function to search for an optimal community partition of a network .

  19. 总结出了BREW应用设计的各个功能模块:菜单模块,声音模块,按键处理模块,资源管理模块,内存管理模块,显示模块,网络模块,中断处理模块,以及逻辑模块等。

    Summed up the BREW application designed for the various functional modules : the menu module , voice module , key processing module , resource management module , memory management module , display module , network module , interrupt handling module , and logic modules .

  20. 包括解调模块、解复用模块、解码模块和网络模块。

    It includes demodulation module 、 demultiplex module and network module .

  21. 可装网络模块,做成网络红外球。

    Network module can be installed , causing the network infrared ball .

  22. 分布式仿真中多缓冲多线程网络模块的设计

    Network Transmission Module Base on Multi-buffer and Multithreading in Distributed Simulation System

  23. 网络模块在60路数字音频监控系统中的应用

    Application of Network Module to 60-channal Digital Audio Monitoring System

  24. 数字电视机顶盒通用型网络模块的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Network Interface Module of DTV

  25. 图形聚类算法的代谢网络模块化分析

    Modularization of Metabolic Network Based on Graph Clustering Algorithm

  26. 基于流体网络模块的模块化建模方法

    Modular modeling method based on fluid network module

  27. 智能网络模块构建交换机新工作机理研究

    New Mechanism Research of Intelligent Network Module-Constructed Switch

  28. 光设备中嵌入式测控网络模块的设计与实现

    Design and realization of embedded test & control network access module in optical devices

  29. 引擎内核包括网络模块、游戏世界模块以及脚本接口模块。

    The engine kernel included network module , game world module and script API module .

  30. 该网络模块在楼宇自动化、工厂底层网络等场合有着广泛应用的前景。

    The network module can be widely used in automation building , control system , etc.