
  • 网络trellis-coded modulation;trellis coded modulation;tcm
  1. 网格编码调制在卫星高速数据传输中的应用

    Application of TCM Technique in High Speed Satellite Data Transmission

  2. 网格编码调制在扩频多址系统中的应用

    The application of TCM to the SSMA system

  3. 基于网格编码调制(TCM)技术的水声通信系统及DSP实现

    Underwater acoustic communication system with trellis coded modulation ( TCM ) technique and DSP implementation

  4. 网格编码调制技术的研究及其在OFDM系统中的应用

    Study of Trellis Coded Modulation and Application of TCM Based on OFDM System

  5. Turbo网格编码调制结合两典型映射在慢衰落信道下的性能分析

    Using turbo trellis coded modulation with two typical mapping strategies over rayleigh fading channels

  6. 本文对能够解决这一问题的两种编码调制方案进行了研究,重点讨论了网格编码调制(TCM)的原理与应用,以及多级编码调制(MLC)的原理和性能。

    In order to solve this problem , this thesis studied on two kinds of channel coded modulation schemes .

  7. 移动卫星信道中的MPSK网格编码调制特性

    The Performance Bound of MPSK-TCM over Mobile Satellite Channels

  8. 在基于优化信道编码的脏纸编码实用化方案方向上,我们首先研究了网格编码调制(TCM)的原理以及网格编码调制中的集分割映射理论。

    In the practical dirty paper coding scheme based on the better channel coding , we first studied the trellis code modulation , and the turbo trellis code modulation .

  9. DVB-T传输系统网格编码调制技术

    Trellis coded modulation technology in DVB-T transmission system

  10. 本文主要研究了网格编码调制(TrellisCodedModulation)与判决反馈均衡相结合在无线高速数据传输系统中的应用。

    A research of application of combination of trellis coded modulation and Decision Feedback Equalization ( DFE ), mainly aims at wireless high data transmission .

  11. 网格编码调制(TCM)是近年来提出的一种先进的组合编码调制技术,在不降低信息传输率、不扩展占用频带的前提下,它能获得可观的编码增益。

    Trellis-Coded Modulation ( TCM ) is an advanced combined coding and modulation technique evolved in recent years . In TCM , significant coding gains can be obtained without bandwidth expansion or reduction of transmission rate .

  12. 详细阐述了作为CT-TCM基础知识的网格编码调制基本原理;

    The basic principle of TCM were addressed as a foundation theory of CT-TCM scheme ;

  13. 结合MFSK调制和卷积编码,提出多音网格编码调制方案。

    A scheme of multi-tone trellis-coded-modulation ( MT-TCM ), which combines the convolutional encoder and MFSK modulation as an entity , is proposed .

  14. 仿真结果显示,信噪比失配对基于符号的Turbo网格编码调制误比特性能的影响和对Turbo码的相似,而比特交织Turbo编码调制的误比特性能对于SNR过估计比前两者要更加敏感。

    It is shown that the effect of SNR mismatch on the BER performance of symbol-based Turbo Trellis Coded Modulation is similar with Turbo code and bit-interleaved Turbo-coded modulation is more sensitive to SNR overestimation than Turbo code with BPSK .

  15. Turbo网格编码调制技术(TTCM)在数字通信系统中引起人们浓厚的兴趣,因为这种将编码和调制结合在一起的新技术不仅有高的差错纠正能力,而且还具有很高的带宽利用率。

    As a new bandwidth-efficient coded modulation scheme , turbo trellis-coded-modulation ( TTCM ) has recently received much attention in channel coding of digital communication systems due to its near capacity performance and high bandwidth-efficiency .

  16. 在理想相干检测的情况下,8相相移键控(8-PSK)方式的网格编码调制(TCM)与QPSK方式相比,可以得到较高的编码功率增益,且不会增加系统所需的带宽。

    Trellis-coded modulation ( TCM ) in 8 phase-shift keying ( 8-PSK ) scheme is more power efficient than uncoded quaternary phase - shift keying ( QPSK ) at the same spectral efficiency in the case of perfect coherent detection .

  17. 基于多维星座的网格编码调制(MD-TCM)是一种比二维网格编码调制(2D-TCM)具有更多编码增益的高带宽利用率传输方案。

    Trellis-Coded Modulation with multidimensional constellations ( MD-TCM ) is a bandwidth efficient transmission scheme that can achieve high coding gain compared to conventional two-dimensional schemes .

  18. 数字电视广播-数字卫星新闻采集标准(DVB-DSNG)把实用网格编码调制(P-TCM)作为可选的内编码和调制方式,在保持信息速率且不增加带宽的情况下提高功率利用率。

    DVB-DSNG Standard employs P-TCM as an optional inner coding and modulation scheme to attain energy efficiency under the condition of maintaining the information rate and with no need to extend the bandwidth .

  19. 本文采用不降低扩频处理增益的多音网格编码调制(MT-TCM)及改进的交织MT-TCM方案来提高跳频/扩频多址系统的性能。

    In this paper , the multitone trellis coded modulation ( MT-TCM ) and the interleaved MT-TCM . which don 't decrease the processing gain of spread spectrum systems , are suggested to improve FH / SSMA system performance .

  20. 卫星链路网格编码调制信号的载波同步

    Carrier phase synchronization for trellis coding modulation signal in satellite links

  21. 两种编码率为5/6的网格编码调制方法

    Two Different Methods for Coding Rate 5 / 6 Trellis-Coded Modulation

  22. 直接表达区域的四叉树链式编码四维网格编码调制与解调

    Lineal Quadtree Encoding for Direct Regional Representation Four-Dimentional Trellis Coded Modulation and Demodulation

  23. 并行级连网格编码调制技术研究

    Research On Parallel Concatenated Trellis Coded Modulation

  24. 抵抗脉冲噪声影响的网格编码调制方案的性能估计

    Performance Evaluation of Trellis - Coded - Modulation Schemes as Rejecting the Effects of Impulsive Noise

  25. 网格编码调制与空时块码的级联和空时格码的比较

    The Compare of Concatenation of Trellis Coded Modulation and Space-time Block Coding and Space-time Trellis Coding

  26. 文中一个新的调制方案是把网格编码和CCK调制结合起来提出来的。

    In this paper , a new modulation scheme which combines the grid coding with the CCK modulation is proposed .

  27. 通过分析可以看到,基于最优的循环群码的网格编码Unitary空时调制是多重网格编码正交发送的一种特例。

    It is shown that the proposed scheme encompasses the conventional trellis coded unitary space-time code modulation based on the optimal cyclic group codes as a special case .