
  • 网络uhvdc;uhvdc transmission
  1. 特高压直流输电的换流器运行时产生大量谐波全部流经换流变压器,换流变压器受谐波影响严重。

    The plenty of harmonics produced by UHVDC converters flow into the converter transformers , which seriously affects the converter transformers .

  2. 基于GO法的特高压直流输电可靠性研究

    Reliability analysis of ultra high voltage direct current system based on GO methodology

  3. ±800kV特高压直流输电系统用直流断路器研究

    Study on DC Circuit Breaker for ± 800 kV UHV DC System

  4. 我国±800kV特高压直流输电线路外绝缘问题

    External Insulation of ± 800 kV UHV DC Power Transmission Lines in China

  5. 云广±800kV特高压直流输电线路耐雷性能研究权力的概念、产生和制约

    Research on Lightning Withstand Performance of ± 800 kV Ultra HVDC Power Transmission Line from Yunnan to Guangdong

  6. 基于非特征谐波潮流统一算法的±800kV特高压直流输电系统非特征谐波分析

    Non-characteristic harmonic analysis of ± 800 kV UHV DC transmission system based on unified non-characteristic harmonic load flow algorithm

  7. 特高压直流输电;控制保护系统;可靠性。

    Ultra HVDC Transmission , Reliability , Control and Protection System .

  8. 特高压直流输电设备电晕特性的海拔校正

    Altitude Correction of Corona Characteristic of UHV DC Transmission Electrical Devices

  9. 特高压直流输电线路跨越耐张塔的结构优化

    Optimization on Cross-over Strain Tower Structure in EHV Transmission Lines

  10. 特高压直流输电线路电磁环境影响研究

    Research of Electromagnetic Environment Effect in UHV DC Transmission Lines

  11. 表面水滴对特高压直流输电线路电晕特性的影响

    Effect of Water Drop on UHV DC Transmission Corona Performance in Corona Cage

  12. 高密度电法在特高压直流输电线路勘察工程中的应用

    High-Density Electrical Method in UHV DC Transmission Line Engineering

  13. 特高压直流输电技术具有广阔的应用前景。

    There will be extensive space for UHVDC application .

  14. 特高压直流输电技术和工程应用

    The Technology and Engineering Application of Ultra HVDC Transmission

  15. 特高压直流输电线路耐雷性能分析方法研究

    Research on the Evaluation Method on Lightning Protection Performance of UHV DC Transmission Lines

  16. 为特高压直流输电换流站设备的设计、运行提供参考。

    It supplies the reference for design and operation of the converter station equipments .

  17. 复合绝缘子用于高压及特高压直流输电线路的可靠性研究

    Research on Reliability of Composite Insulators Used in EHV and UHV DC Transmission Lines

  18. 特高压直流输电控制与保护技术的研究

    Study on the control and protection system of ultra high voltage direct current transmission

  19. 云广特高压直流输电系统孤岛运行的稳定控制措施

    Stability Control Strategies for ± 800 kV DC Transmission System From Yunnan to Guangdong Under Islanded Operation

  20. 在特高压直流输电中换相失败也是主要的故障。

    Commutation failure is one of the most common failures for the high voltage direct current transmission system .

  21. 锦屏&苏南特高压直流输电工程直流线路电磁暂态仿真

    Simulation on Electromagnetic Transient Process in DC Transmission Line of ± 800kV Power Transmission Project From Jinping to South Jiangsu

  22. 这条全长2500公里的输电线路由中国国家电网公司承建,是世界上距离最长的特高压直流输电工程。

    The 2500 kilometer long transmission line built by the State Grid Corporation of China is the world 's longest Ultra-high Voltage Direct Current grid project .

  23. 随着2010年云南至广东特高压直流输电示范工程建成投运,我国将领先世界在电网结构上跨入建设坚强的智能电网时代。

    With the launching of Yunnan-Guangdong ultra-high voltage direct current ( UHVDC ) demonstration project , China will lead the world into an era of constructing a strong smart grid .

  24. 超、特高压直流输电的迅速发展带来一系列的电磁环境问题,而电晕放电是其产生的主要原因之一。

    With the rapid development of High Voltage Direct Current ( HVDC ), a series of environment problems are generated , one of main reasons of which is the corona discharge .

  25. 随着我国超、特高压直流输电系统的相继建设与投入运行,直流电压下由空间电荷引发的电力电缆老化问题愈显突出。

    With the construction and operation of UHV and HVDC System in our country , the aging problem of power cable caused by space charge is more and more serious nowadays .

  26. 近年来,直流输电技术发展迅速,由于我国国情比较特殊,超高压和特高压直流输电走在世界前列。

    In recent years , the DC transmission technology is developing rapidly in China . Due to the special national conditions , the EHV and UHV DC transmission has taken the leading position in the world .

  27. 改进了交流滤波器的传统设计方法,首次针对特高压直流输电工程,采用了以寿命周期成本最小为目标,同时满足电压谐波畸变标准等约束条件的交流滤波器参数优化设计方法。

    Then , traditional filter design method is improved , and a new method to select the filter parameters is proposed in order to reduce the cost of the ac filter to the minimum and accord with the restrictive conditions of standards of voltage harmonic distortion .

  28. 随着输电线路电压等级的提高,必须将电磁环境问题列入设计、建设和运行超特高压交直流输电线路时要考虑的重要问题范围之内。

    With the increased voltage , electromagnetic environment has become a major technical issues must be considered on AC-DC transmission line design , construction and operation .

  29. 特高压及高压直流输电系统中,换流站是实现交流电和直流电相互能量转换的系统,是直流输电的中心环节。

    The HVDC Converter Station is the conversion system between AC and DC .

  30. 为满足国民经济快速发展的需要,以特高压交、直流输电为代表的电网建设正在如火如荼地展开。电网的大规模建设需要大量的输电线路设计的前期工作。

    In order to meet the rapid development of the economy needs , the construction of power grid is developing rapidly represents with UHV ( Ultra High Voltage ), it brings a lot of design work for transmission lines .