
tè jì tì shēn
  • stuntman
  1. 具体情况不同,“替身”的说法也不同,危险或复杂场景的替身叫做stuntdouble(特技替身)。

    The term is most commonly used in the context of head-to-toe ( or nearly ) shots involving nudity . More specific terms are often used in special cases ; a stunt adjustments .

  2. 他是唯一一个获得奥斯卡奖的特技替身演员。

    He was the only stunt man ever to get an Oscar .

  3. 我在一月份的时候开始和特技替身演员和打戏团队进行训练。

    I started training in January with the stunt guys and the fight team .

  4. 我们必须找到这个女特技替身演员。

    We need to find this stuntwoman .

  5. 你要找个特技替身?

    You thinking a stunt double ?

  6. 你以为是汤姆·克鲁斯在火车顶部上跑,但其实很可能只是他的特技替身。

    You may think you see Tom Cruise running along the top of a train , but it is probably his stunt double .

  7. 张晋曾多次获得过全国武术比赛冠军。退役之后,他最初作为武术指导和特技替身演员出道。

    After retiring with several national wushu championship titles , Zhang began his career in the entertainment industry as an action choreographer and stuntman .

  8. 事实上,53岁的阿汤哥为了让这场戏更加刺激好看,坚持不用特技替身自己完成了这组高危动作。

    The fact that Cruise , a 53-year-old action star , insisted on doing it by himself instead of using a stunt double makes the scene more pulse-pounding .

  9. 这一学位的其他就业选择包括成为专业演员或舞者、剧院经理、短篇小说作家、特技替身演员、化妆师、戏剧评论家和舞蹈指导。

    Other career options with this degree include professional actor or dancer , theater manager , storyteller , stunt person , make-up artist , drama critic , and choreographer .

  10. 托尼撞毁过快速行驶的汽车,从燃烧的房屋里跳出来过,被一下子扔进急流中去过。他说:“特技替身演员需要神明护佑。”

    Tony has crashed fast cars , jumped from burning building , been swept down rapids . " a stunt man ," he says ," needs to have a guardian angel . "

  11. 而扮演蛇眼,和特技替身演员们合作,他们想展现一系列的武术,但用我的风格作催化剂,来达到我们所要达到的各种效果。

    Being Snake Eyes and working with the stunt boys , they wanted to show a range of martial arts but use my style as a catalyst to get to whatever we were going to get to .

  12. 昆汀·塔伦蒂诺将这部电影的背景设定在上世纪60年代末的好莱坞,曼森家族崛起的年代。莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥饰演过气演员里克·达尔顿,布拉德·皮特饰演他的特技替身克里夫·布斯,这是小李子和皮特首次同台飙戏。

    Quentin Tarantino sets his sights on late 60s , Manson-era Hollywood , with Leonardo DiCaprio as washed-up actor Rick Dalton and Brad Pitt his stunt double Cliff Booth in the pair 's first appearance together on screen .

  13. 除了他的特技替身演员,施瓦辛格的随行人员还包括一群与他一起共事的班底,如前特别助理、前公关主管、前助选副主管等。

    In addition to people like his stunt double , Mr. Schwarzenegger 's traveling entourage includes a coterie of former administration staffers , including his former special assistant ( or ' body man ' ), his former communications director and his former deputy director of advance .

  14. 一部分特技演员专门替身某些特定类别的场景。

    Some stunt people specialize in certain kinds of scenes .

  15. 特技演员或替身演员通常出现在动作电影中。

    Stuntmen or stunt doubles usually appear in action movies .