
  • 网络cauchy integral formula
  1. z0在积分路径C上的柯西积分公式

    Cauchy Integral Formula of z_0 in Integral Path C

  2. 本文通过矩阵的柯西积分公式给出秩为1或2的n阶方阵的标准根。

    In this paper we directly give the canonical normal-roots of the n × n matrix whose rank is 1 or 2 through Cauchy integral formula for matrices .

  3. 本文从复变函数论的柯西积分公式出发,导出求解任意截面TEM传输线特性阻抗的复边界元方程。

    The complex boundary element equation for the solution of the characteristic impedance of an arbitrarily shaped TEM transmission line is deduced in the paper , based on the Cauchy integral theorem for analytical complex variable functions .

  4. 为了改善方程组的稳定牲,将文献[3]中所用的柯西型积分公式,改为奇异积分方程。

    The singular integral equation is used to provide stable solutions .