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  1. 他们记得自己上一次吃鸡蛋或豆腐的准确日期。

    They could remember to the day when they last had an egg or tofu , he said .

  2. 它不像日本便当那样分格,饭菜的分布是纵向的,最底部是寿司米饭,上面一层层压着猪肉末、高丽菜、鸡蛋和豆腐。

    There are no compartments , as with Japanese bento . Arrangements are vertical , starting with a base of sushi rice and building up with minced pork , cabbage , egg and tofu .

  3. 从现在开始,我只吃蔬菜、水果、谷类、大豆和坚果类的东西,偶尔吃牛奶,奶酪,鸡蛋和豆腐。我要做素食主义者。你什么时候开始有这个想法的?

    From now on , only vegetables , fruit , cereal GetWord (" cereal "); , beans and nuts , and occasionally milk , cheese , eggs and bean curd GetWord (" curd "); . I 've become a vegetarian . ' ' Since when ?

  4. 但其它的食物如鱼、坚果、鸡蛋、豆角和豆腐也富含蛋白质。

    But other foods like fish , nuts , eggs , beans and tofu are full of protein , too .