
nán mén
  • South Gate;south entrance;a surname
南门 [nán mén]
  • (1) [south entrance]

  • (2) 朝南的城门

  • 烧其南门。--《汉书.李广苏建传》

  • (3) 唐长安大集市的南门

  • 市南门外泥中歇。--唐. 白居易《卖炭翁》

南门[nán mén]
  1. 公园的两个主要入口分别为北门和南门。

    The two major entrances to the park are the northern and southern portals .

  2. 请走南门。

    Please use the South entrance .

  3. 他在秦都南门放了一根细木杆。

    He put a thin wooden pole at the south gate of the Qin capital .

  4. 这座门楼是明朝都城的正南门。

    This is the south gate of the Ming capital .

  5. 张,把我的车开到南门!

    Chang , take my car to the South gate !

  6. 哪个门,北门还是南门?

    Which gate , the north or the south ?

  7. 这处景观叫南门怀古。

    This building is called the Old South Gate .

  8. 南门是延辉门,那条街就是延辉街喽。

    So the south gate is Yanhui gate and that street is Yanhui street .

  9. 南门村424号杨桂云,男,50岁左右,食道癌。

    South Gate Village , 424 Yanggui Yun , M , 50-year-old , esophagus .

  10. 混杂的人群和天津市乱七八糟的小房子,在天津被占领后向南门里看。

    Motley crowds and jumbled huts of old Tienstin-view soon after the city was occupied-China .

  11. 俄别以东守南门,他的儿子守库房。

    To obed-edom , that on the south ; and to his sons , the store-house .

  12. 极有可能从南门或北门离开。

    Could exit South or north .

  13. 这3人枪杀在南门外刑场上。

    Later , the three people were shot dead on the execution ground outside the south gate ;

  14. 长途汽车站2公里,公交车16路大南门站下车。

    2 kilometres from the long-distance bus station , take bus No.16 to the large South gate .

  15. 清华东门禁止非校内车辆进入.南门和西门可以进入。

    East Gate of Tsinghua University prohibit non-college car entering . South Gate and West Gate permit .

  16. 在北[南,东,西]半球天坛一共有4个门,依次为南门、西门、北门和东门。

    There are four gates named South Gate , West Gate , North Gate and East Gate respectively .

  17. 从大明湖公园南门小走一段,你便会领略到济南的瑰宝。

    A short walk from the south gate of the park you can appreciate the treasure of Jinan .

  18. 团城,在北海公园南门外,是一座圆台式的古老园林建筑,已有800多年的历史。

    Outside the south gate of Beihai Park is an ancient round garden architecture , over 800 years old .

  19. 根据我所知道的情况,我们南门村绝对没有这么多人得癌症。

    As far as I know , we have so many people south gate of the village never get cancer .

  20. 现代骨民族魂自然衣&惠州西湖南门景区设计小议

    Modern Structure , National Soul and Natural Scene & The South Gate Region Design of West Lake Resort in Huizhou

  21. 丹凤门是唐大明宫的正南门,唐王朝的皇权象征和国家标志。

    Danfeng Gate is the south gate of Daming Palace in Tang Dynasty which indicated imperial power of the state .

  22. 分析表明南门场构造存在三大断裂体系,其叠加组合形成了现今南门场复杂构造样式。

    According to the analysis , Nan Menchang Formation consists of3 major fracture systems whose overlapping constitutes the complex patterns of today .

  23. 根据南门峡省级森林公园目前发展过程中存在的问题和不足,提出今后发展的对策和建议。

    Development countermeasures and suggestions were offered according to existed problems and shortages during development process of Nanmenxia Forest Park for future development .

  24. 乙方可以使用大楼步行楼梯,南门电梯作为进出租赁范围的通道。

    Party B / Renter / Tenant is allowed to use building staircases and the south entrance elevator for their access to their leasing area .

  25. 乌古蒙有两道门:南门和北门,也就是古堡的门和庄屋的门。

    Hougomont has two doors , & the southern door , that of the chateau ; and the northern door , belonging to the farm .

  26. 然后以四川宜宾金沙江江南门大桥为例,研究了地震动空间变化对大跨度拱桥抗震安全的重要意义。

    And then taking Nanmen arch bridge as an example f the importance of the spatial variation of seismic ground motion to long-span arch is investigated .

  27. 三门口跨海大桥工程是由北门、中门和南门三座跨海大桥及连接线组成。

    The Sanmenkou Sea Crossing Project consists of three bridges which are named North Bridge , Central Bridge , and South Bridge and the connecting line .

  28. 难怪,现在,北京南门在奥林匹克的前夕举行了盛大首发,它就像神话一样。

    No wonder , then , that when Beijing South made its grand debut on the eve of the Olympics , he was an immediate fan .

  29. 在南门内,每天上午11:30到正午会出售花车盛会的票(2欧元),盛会之前会有一场电影。

    Tickets ( 2 euros ) for the pageant ( preceded by a film ) are sold from 11:30 a.m. to noon inside the south door .

  30. 南门村450号王秀根,男,他与住在南门村462号的弟弟王世根都死于肺癌。

    South Gate Village , 450 Xiu-roots , man , he lived in South Gate Village , the younger brother of No.462 Shi-roots died of lung cancer .