
  • 网络Chicken skewer;Chicken;Chicken Kebabs
  1. 烹饪前先把鸡肉串起来。

    Skewer the chicken before cooking .

  2. 在开着的大壁炉里,厨师烤着牛排、羔羊排骨、小烤鸡肉串、肥鹅肝和鸭脯,美味四溢。

    At the huge open fireplace , the chef grills steaks , lamb chops , chicken brochettes , foie gras and duck breasts to absolute perfection .

  3. 过去一年里,我们在本地饭馆品尝印度奶茶及三角饼时,或者在五颜六色的使馆派对上享受威士忌和鸡肉串时,常常着了魔似地讨论一个话题:我们是否罔顾孩子的利益,来追求自己的事业?

    Over the last year , often over chai and samosas at local dhabas or whiskey and chicken tikka at glittering embassy parties , we have obsessively discussed whether we are pursuing our careers at our children 's expense .

  4. 除此之外,作为一条闻名的小吃街,这也是城里吃烤串最好的地方,从经典的鸡肉串、猪肉串、豆腐串到千奇百怪的蚕蛹、鱿鱼、蝎子还有蛇,应有尽有。

    Otherwise known as snack street , this the best place in town to get something roasted on a stick , from the classic chicken , pork , tofu , to the exotic beetle larvae , squid , scorpion and snake .

  5. 坚持一个简单的鸡肉烤羊肉串,你不能出错。

    Stick with a straightforward chicken shish kebab and you cannot go wrong .

  6. 熟食产品香炸鸡肉块、香炸鸡肉串等系列产品采用日本料理,上市后,产品供不应求。

    The fragrant fried chicken portions and chicken meat string using Japanese style can 't meet the market needs .