
  • 网络Foreign Direct Investments
  1. 在现状分析中,笔者运用了SPSS、EXCEL等统计软件,通过大量数据整合,分析了沈阳服务业内部典型行业增加值比重与沈阳人均GDP、实际利用外商直接投资额及人口的相关关系。

    This part applies SPSS and EXCEL statistical software to analyze the relationship between service industry and GDP , investment , and population . It is the creation of the whole article .

  2. 将城乡居民人均收入比作为被解释变量,人均GDP、城乡二元生产率对比系数、我国实际利用的外商直接投资额、财政支出用于农业的比重、城市化率作为解释变量。

    The model took per capita income of urban and rural residents as the Explained Variable , and per capita GDP , urban-rural dualistic productivity , FDI in actual use , the proportion of financial expenditure for agriculture , and urbanization as the Explanatory Variables .

  3. 预计2001年外商直接投资额将增加到470亿美元。

    Total overseas investment is expected to reach US $ 47 billion .

  4. 利用外资方面,外商直接投资额占地区生产总值比重提高并不会促进技术效率的提高。

    The increase of foreign direct investment does not promote technical efficiency .

  5. 具体的,外商直接投资额每提高1个百分点,就会导致汽车行业市场集中度增加0.11个百分点。

    FDI that increases by 1 percent will give rise to increase by 0.11 percent .

  6. 汽车产业集群吸引的外商直接投资额越多,其集群的发展水平也越高。

    The more FDI is attracted by auto industrial clusters , the higher development level the clusters have .

  7. 选取了进口额、出口额、外商直接投资额、外债余额、外汇增长额进行实证检验。

    Selected imports , exports , foreign direct investment , foreign debt , foreign exchange amount of increase for empirical testing .

  8. 与过去相比,这一年吸收的外商直接投资额是前5年总和的4.6倍。

    As compared with the past , the sum of direct investment absorbed is4.6 times that of the previous five years altogether .

  9. 去年印度的外商直接投资额为276亿美元,基本恢复到2009年时的水平。这之前,在遭遇一连串腐败丑闻打击后,印度的外商直接投资一度大幅下降。

    Foreign direct investment in India was $ 27.6 billion last year , rebounding to around its 2009 level after a barrage of corruption scandals caused a slump .

  10. 截止到2004年底,我国实际利用外商直接投资额累计5621亿美元,是发展中国家中的最大外资流入国。

    By the end of 2004 , China had actually utilized 562.1 billion dollars of FDI and had became the largest inward FDI country in the developing countries .

  11. 改革开放32年,我国吸收了大量外资,其中外商直接投资额已经跃居到世界第三。

    It has been 32 years since reform and opening up , China has absorbed large amounts of FDI and the quantity has jumped to the third in the world .

  12. 就业量与人民币实际有效汇率、实际产出、实际工资、工业品出产价格、固定资产投资、工业制成品实际出口额和实际外商直接投资额之间存在长期均衡关系。

    The employment quantity has a stable relationship in the long term with the real effective exchange rate , real production , real wage , industrial products ' price , fixed assets investment , industrial products ' export amount and real foreign direct investment . 3 .