
  • 网络international debt crisis;debt crisis
  1. 结果可能是国际债务危机的加剧。

    The result could be a worsening of the international debt crisis .

  2. 第三次是20世纪80年代国际债务危机爆发后从国家领导的进口替代工业化战略到新自由主义的出口导向发展战略的转变。

    The third time is the change from import substitutive industrialization strategy led by the state to the developing strategy of the new liberalism export guide in 1980s after international debt crisis was broken out .

  3. OPEC(石油输出国组织)成员国所组织的石油锐减,国际债务危机的发展以及国际储蓄与投资流向的转移,冲击了银行资产的安全性和流动性。

    The oil from the OPEC ( Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries ) decreased sharply . The crisis of international debt appeared and the international savings and investment shifted to different places .