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  1. 这群倡导善举的明星慈善组织包括:“上善若水(Charity:Water)”、“看不见的孩子(InvisibleChildren)”、“Movember”和“许诺铅笔(PencilsofPromise)”。

    This " rock-star group " of do-gooders includes Charity : water , invisible children , Movember , and pencils of promise .

  2. 上善若水与人水和谐

    Well - Doer like Water and Human Live with it Harmoniously

  3. 上善若水,水善利万物而不争。

    The highest good is like that of water .

  4. 上善若水,人类的生活离不开水。

    Of charity , human activities can not be separated from the water .

  5. 1200年的上善若水

    1200-year 's highest good like that of Water

  6. 莱恩·伍德是纽约“上善若水”公益机构中的一员。

    You are listening to Lane Wood of the New York-based organization charity : water .

  7. 上善若水缘水而居的东方哲学

    " The highest good is like that of water ": Oriental philosophy about residing along water

  8. 南越国时期汉越文化的并存与融合上善若水与南方之强&试辨越文化的水性禀赋

    The Co-existence and Fusion of Han and Yue Cultures in the Period of Southern Yue State

  9. 上德若谷上善若水&老子《道德经》之道德修养标准

    Morality as Noble as Valley and Water & Ethical Standard of Classic of the Virtue of Laozi

  10. 上善若水的水之道与谷神不死的谷神精神在休斯中期诗歌创作中生根发芽。

    Tao of Water and forever-living spirit of valley are revealed in the middle period of Hughes ' poem writing .

  11. 也许,道家所谓“上善若水”就是取水自然流淌的过程来比喻最高的善吧!

    Maybe an old saying in Daoism of'Water Is Better'is an analogy that best kindness is like a nature running of water !

  12. 伍德说,“上善若水”机构计划为海地11处乡村地区长期解决用水问题,将清洁用水直接输送到这些地区。

    Wood said that charity : water is trying to build what it calls long-term water solutions for eleven rural areas in Haiti which will bring clean water directly to villages .