
  • 网络Shanghai Clothing;shanghai style
  1. 上海东龙服饰有限公司。

    Shanghai East Dragon Zipper Making Co.

  2. 希望通过本文的研究,对上海美邦服饰今后的经营思路和营销策略的选择提供一些有益的探索和帮助,以应对激烈的市场竞争,实现上海美邦服饰的跨越式发展。

    I hope that the research in this paper is helpful to provide some useful exploration and help for future business idea and marketing strategy selection of Meters Bonwe beauty to response to the fierce market competition , and realize the great-leap-forward development of beauty Meters Bonwe development .

  3. 因创办“上海滩”服饰连锁店[2006年已售予瑞士历峰集团(RichemontGroup)]而闻名的邓永锵发现了解高层人士有好处。

    Tang , who is most known for founding the Shanghai Tang clothing chain , which he sold to the Richemont group in 2006 , has found that it pays to know people in high places .

  4. 上海近现代服饰时尚传播中的画家

    Painters Engaged in the Propagation of Modern Fashion in Shanghai

  5. 上海丰彦服饰有限公司是一家专业致力于品牌制服创意、设计、制作的知名服装企业。

    Corporation is a famous garment company specializing In branding uniform development , designing , and manufacturing .

  6. 上海卡登堡针织服饰有限公司在此竭诚欢迎海内外各界新老朋友真诚合作,共同图谋发展大业。

    Shanghai Cadenbo knitted clothes and ornaments Co. , Ltd is sincerely expecting cooperation with old or new friends all over China or the whole world , to make our big progress and development .