
  1. 要是我能跟你一块去,那该多好哇!

    How nice it would be if I could go with you !

  2. 我已经和他说好了明天一块去看足球赛。

    I 've arranged to go with him to tomorrow 's football match .

  3. 和我一块去划船玩好吗?

    Will you go boating with me ?

  4. 注意那几句针对Tommy的话(父亲的“你有女朋友了?”;母亲的“你不会跟我们一块去,对不对?”)

    Note also that the few comments addressed to Tommy ( for example , the father 's " You got a girlfriend ?" and the mothers " You dont want to come with us , do you ?")

  5. 他想问问,你是否跟我们一块去。

    He wants to know if you want to join us .

  6. 我也是。那我们改天一块去踢球吧。

    So do I.Let 's go to play it some day .

  7. 有谁想同我一块去舞会么?

    Would anyone like to come to a party with me ?

  8. 今晚你计划和我一块去电影院吗?

    Are you going to the movie theater with me tonight ?

  9. 她家人通常在星期天一块去野炊。

    Her family often go out for a picnic on Sunday .

  10. 如果明天不下雨他将和父母一块去动物园。

    He will go to the zoo with his parents tomorrow .

  11. 他一直缠着我带他一块去。

    He 's always pestering me to take him with me .

  12. 啊!我的天啊!那我跟你一块去!

    Oh ! My goodness ! The I 'll go with you !

  13. 如果你这家伙要去的话,我能不能跟你一块去?

    If you guys do something later , can I join you ?

  14. 如果你们俩愿意和我一块去,那再好不过了。

    If you folks want to come along , fine and dandy .

  15. 你今天晚上和我一块去逛商店好吗?

    Could you go out shopping with me this evening ?

  16. 我多希望能和你一块去那儿。

    How I wish I can go there with you !

  17. 你明知道我不能跟你一块去。

    You know I can 't go on the road with you .

  18. 你为什么不叫你爸爸一块去呢?

    Why don 't you ask your father to go with you ?

  19. 今天晚上,我女儿没有跟我一块去学习。

    My daughter didn 't go to learn with me this evening .

  20. 凳子太高,截一块去。

    The stool is too high , cut a part from it .

  21. 今天晚上和我们一块去看电影吧?

    Would you like to see a film with us this evening ?

  22. 或许莎拉和约翰也想跟我们一块去。

    Maybe Sara and John would like to come along .

  23. 艾迪:你能和我一块去购物吗?

    Eddy : Will you please go shopping with me ?

  24. 如果你们两个人不能玩到一块去。

    If you two guys can 't play nice together .

  25. 今晚谁将和我一块去看电影?

    Who will go to the cinema with me tonight ?

  26. 我常和哥哥一块去捉螃蟹。

    I often go to catch crabs with my brother .

  27. 我欣然抓住和他一块去的机会。

    I jumped at the chance to go with him .

  28. 你干嘛不跟你伍兰岗的朋友一块去?

    Why don 't you go with your friends from woodland hills ?

  29. 在星期天孩子们经常随父母一块去逛公园。

    Children often go to the park with their parents on Sundays .

  30. 你想和我们一块去,对吗?

    Youd like to go with me , wouldnt you ?