
  • 网络Not One Less;No One Less;One Less
  1. 看到这些可敬的老师和可爱的孩子,也使我想起中国反映普及义务教育的影片“一个都不能少”。

    These respectable teachers and lovable children also remind me of a Chinese education film Not One Less .

  2. 侯咏同张艺谋合作的三部电影《一个都不能少》、《我的父亲母亲》和《幸福时光》正处于本土电影美学转变期,也是这一时期的代表作。

    Hou Yong with Zhang Yimou three movie " Not One Less ", " My Father and Mother " and " Happy Times " are in local film aesthetics transition period , also is the masterpiece of this period .

  3. “我的学生一个都不能少”

    " None of my students should be dropped out of school "

  4. 少来了,麦蒂和姚明我们一个都不能少。

    Come on , we need both Yao and TMAC .

  5. 手机、商务通、移动电源一个都不能少!

    Cellular phone , business , move power supply 1 cannot be little !

  6. 机构制度法律一个都不能少&看美国的个人信用体系

    American Personal Credit System On the credit

  7. 生存、竞争、选择&一个都不能少

    Survive , selection and competition are indispensable

  8. 价格、服务、质量,一个都不能少,是我们合作的开始!

    Price , service , quality , complete accuracy , is the beginning of our cooperation !

  9. 爸爸和妈妈,一个都不能少。父母双方在宝宝的早期教育和成长过程中扮演着独一无二、不可替代的角色。

    The roles of both the mother and father are unique and irreplaceable in the early childhood education and development of children .

  10. 微博管理员不仅要知道如何及时发布权威信息,创新和亲民更是一个都不能少。曹国伟说。

    An operator should not only know how to disseminate authorized information in a timely manner , but also be innovative and easygoing , said Cao .

  11. 客户关系管理的实施,理念、技术一个都不能少,只有借助先进的理念,利用发达的技术,进行完美的实施,才能优化企业资源配置,在激烈的市场竞争中获胜。

    Through the advanced idea , high technology , and perfect performance , the enterprise resource can be optimized , and then can win in severe competition .

  12. 莱麦丹斋月期间一般举行家庭为主的活动,但华盛顿地区有许多年轻的穆斯林,其中不少人远离家庭和亲人,但他们要求斋月活动一个都不能少。

    And even though Ramadan is typically a time dominated by family , Washington 's large number of young Muslims many living away from their homes and relatives ensure that no one is left out .

  13. 装配一辆汽车需要差不多10000个单独的零件,一个都不能少。

    Assembling a car requires some 10,000 individual pieces , and every single one of them is needed in the finished product .