
  1. 据说这部小说是以一个真实的故事为依据的。

    The novel is supposedly based on a true story .

  2. 电影《泰坦尼克号》是基于一个真实的故事。

    The film Titanic is based on a TRUE story .

  3. 这部电影是以一个真实的故事为素材的。

    The film came from a real story .

  4. 我有一个真实的故事,我曾经是Goldman,Magdalin&Krikes律师事务所的审判律师。

    Oh I have a story about that actually , I was a trial attorney for Goldman ,

  5. 一个真实的故事:去年VideoJug的圣诞节派对邀请函就是完全用红色和绿色的Curlz字体书写的,办公室所有人都感到恶心。

    TRUE STORY : the email invite to last year 's VideoJug Christmas Party was written entirely in red and green ' Curlz ' and the entire office was SICK BLOOD .

  6. 我发誓,这是另一个真实的故事。

    And this is another true story ... hand to God .

  7. 黑手党:失落的家族荣誉&一个真实的故事

    MAFIA : A Lost Family of Honor & The True Story

  8. 这是我重新闻中看到的一个真实的故事。

    This is a real story , I read from newspaper .

  9. 这是一个真实的故事发生在日本。

    This is a true story that happened in Japan .

  10. 我很高兴因为它是另一个真实的故事。

    I was flattered because it was another honest story .

  11. 我来讲一个真实的故事。

    Let me tell you a true story about a teenager girl .

  12. 看来这是一个真实的故事。

    It appeared ( to be ) a true story .

  13. 这本书是以一个真实的故事为基础写的。

    This book is based on a true story .

  14. 这就是情人节发生的一个真实的故事。

    So this was a true love story that happened on Valentines day .

  15. 最后再想像一下,这些所有都来源于一个真实的故事。

    Finally , imagine that this is all based on a true story .

  16. 文章涉及到一个真实的故事爱德华25岁生日那天,他的女朋友为他准备了最好的烟草。

    On Edward's25th birthday , his girlfriend prepared the best tobacco for him .

  17. 他去年写的那本书是以一个真实的故事为基础的。

    The book he wrote last year is based on a true story .

  18. 我发誓,这是一个真实的故事。

    This is a true story , by the way . I swear .

  19. 这个小说基于一个真实的故事。

    This novel is based on historical facts .

  20. 京晶:嗯,我听说这是基于一个真实的故事,是吗?

    Hmm , I heard it was based on a true story . Was it ?

  21. 这是一个真实的故事,那个中国留学生就是我。

    This was a true story in my life , and I was that Chinese student .

  22. 现在我们可以听听他们每人做了些甚么事情吧,因为这是一个真实的故事。

    Now we shall hear what happened to them , for this is a true story .

  23. 但这是一个真实的故事,它是从哪儿开始发生的,我就只好从哪儿说起。

    But this is a real story , so I have to begin where it really started .

  24. 你们能不能告诉我们一个真实的故事,说明确实有团队发现回顾是一种有用的工具?

    Can you tell us a real story about a team has that found retrospectives a helpful tool ?

  25. 我要告诉你们一个真实的故事-与一个尼日利亚执行董事兼首席执行官的遭遇。

    Tell you a very funny story about a Nigerian Managing Director and CEO of an Investment Limited .

  26. 这部小说是根据一个真实的故事而写的,讲的是一个男人对一个著名女演员的苦恋。

    This novel is based on the real-life incident of a man 's obsession with the famous actress .

  27. 有这样一个真实的故事:一位年长者决定到当地中学的足球场去慢跑。

    A true story has it that one elder man decided to jog around the local high school football field .

  28. 也有人说是基于一个真实的故事,是低水平的,法国外交官。

    It is also said to be based on a true story , that of a low level french diplomat .

  29. “这本书读起来更像小说,而不是一个真实的故事。”彭云良(音译),一位证券分析师称。

    ' It reads like a novel , rather than a real story , 'said Peng Yunliang , a securities analyst .

  30. 基于一个真实的故事,这部电影是关于生命的美国作家斯科特菲茨杰拉德和他的妻子塞尔达。

    Based on a true story , this movie is about the life of American author F.Scott Fitzgerald and his wife Zelda .