
  1. 结果表明:对同一取代基在不同位上,e键位取代比a键位更稳定;对同一位上的不同取代基,大基团比小基团更稳定。

    And the stability which substitutive derivates on the same position of bigger substituting group is more stable than that of smaller one .

  2. 建立了泵站系统可靠性分析模型,并以某一取水泵站为例,对泵站系统可靠性做了定量分析。

    The reliability analysis model of pumping station system is founded .

  3. 固相配位化学反应研究ⅩⅩⅣ.一取代基五氰合铁(Ⅱ)类配合物热分解的质谱研究

    Studies on the solid state reaction of coordination compounds & ⅹⅹⅳ . mass spectrometric investigation of thermal decomposition of pentacyanoferrate (ⅱ) complexes

  4. 在治疗后取石次数、一次取净率比较中,2组有显著性差异(P<0.05),说明研究组效果明显优于对照组。

    Number stone after treatment , a removal rate of comparison , the two groups was significant difference ( P < 0.05 ), explains the research group is better than the control group .

  5. 另一组取20层为训练样本,3l层为测试样本。

    For the second group , 20 layers were training samples and the other 31 were testing samples .

  6. 成功实施心脏移植的经验与体会结果:46例取IUD者,一次取器成功45例,占978%。

    Clinical experience of orthotopic heart transplantation on one successful case Results : Of 46 patients , one successful removal was found in 45 ( 97.8 % ) .

  7. 结果109例均为一期取石,结石清除率100%,平均手术时间60min,术中估计出血量平均25ml,平均住院时间7d,无严重并发症发生。

    The average operation time was 60 munites , the estimated blood loss volume 25 ml and the average hospitalization 7 days . No major complications were noted .

  8. 周三,居住在温哥华郊区的MatthewFane在推特上发了一张取件通知的照片,加拿大邮政的邮递员在通知上写下了无法投递的原因&门口有熊。

    Matthew Fane , from a Vancouver suburb , tweeted Wednesday a photo of a note left for him by a Canada Post worker indicating that the reason he was unable to drop off a parcel was because there was a ' bear at door . '

  9. 16例患者一次取净,7例症状不明显的残余结石,PNL术后自然排出体外,12例需要其它辅助方式治疗,手术平均时间158min,无工作通道建立过程中常见的严重并发症发生。

    16 patients were primarily stone-free , 7 patients had clinically insignificant residual stones that passed spontaneously after PNL , and 12 patients needed auxiliary measures . Average operative duration was 158 minutes . No major complications were discovered .

  10. 分别在麻醉前、手术完毕及术后一日取静脉血,测定血浆肾素、血管紧张素、醛固酮水平。

    Plasma renin , angiotensin and aldosterone were measured .

  11. 并指出了商最后一位取1的原因。

    The reason why the last bit of the quotient takes 1 is given .

  12. 风险最小的投资组合在这一点取到。

    The minimum variance portfolio is down here .

  13. 一个取不到的对象能变成可获得的吗?

    Can an unreachable object become reachable again ?

  14. 任何一方取分都要欢呼。

    You cheer whenever there 's a point .

  15. 申请人一经取后须全缴付学费港币$29000。

    Tuition fee of HK $ 29,000 should be paid in full upon admission .

  16. 制举是科举的一种取士科目,由皇帝特别下诏举行考试。

    Zhiju , a candidate selection test , is the one required by the Emperor himself .

  17. 目的:改进戴着固定矫治器取印模的方法,提高一次取模成功率,减少临床操作时间、节省印模材料。

    Objective : To modify the method of making oral impression and improve the successful rate .

  18. 你更喜欢啊一种取餐方式?

    Which one you prefer more ?

  19. 236侧肾结石一期取净,无石率90.5%。

    236 sides of renal calculi were removed in one stage . Non-stone rate was 90.5 % .

  20. 这些获得不凡胜利的人都不寻求一个取本人专业相干的止业。

    None of these highly successful people ended up pursuing a career relative to their college major .

  21. 7例12侧输尿管结石一次取净;

    The ureteral calculi were thoroughly removed on one session in 7 cases ( 12 sides ) .

  22. 既然有三个宝宝,我们又一人取了一个名字

    Anyway , since there are three babies ... and we both got to put our names in

  23. 提出了一种取不同测距的接收波波峰相关散点、回归计算表面波的新方案;

    A new method for calculating R-wave velocity is proposed based on peaks of the received wave signal .

  24. 顾客收到邮件或短信,得到一个取件代码。只要输入该代码,寄存柜就打开了。

    A locker pops open when a customer enters an access code received by e-mail or text message .

  25. 本实用新型为一种取针器,涉及一种用于拆除各种订书钉的取针器。

    The utility model discloses a staple remover which relates to a staple remover used for removing various staples .

  26. 道教和平观是一种取法自然的和平观,而社会的太平则以自然生态系统的太平为出发点和依据。

    It is a peace view following nature , while natural-ecological balance is the starting-point and base of social peace .

  27. 结果156例中,结石一次取净144例,残留结石12例。

    Results : The calculi were completely removed in 144 cases and residual calculi existed in the remaining 12 cases .

  28. 1例孤肾肾结石合并积脓,行一期取石,术后出现中毒性休克,1例合并糖尿病患者术后出现酮症酸中毒,其余未出现大的并发症。

    Another one case of diabetes suffered from postoperative ketoacidosis , no major complications were noted in the other patients .

  29. 有8例术后一年取钉,观察一年脱位无复发。

    Bolts in 8 cases were taken off one year after operation and dislocation did not occur in the next year .

  30. 太阳能正是这样一个取之不竭、用之不尽的能源宝库,使用太阳能不仅可以大量节约常规能源,还可以减少对环境的污染。

    Solar energy is exactly the new energy that can 't be used up and it has no pollution to the environment .