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  1. 去年夏天,已有6个月身孕的玛丽莎•梅耶尔接任了雅虎(Yahoo)首席执行官一职,令世界为之一震。

    Marissa Mayer made a global splash last summer for landing the Yahoo ( yhoo ) CEO job while six months pregnant .

  2. 苹果公司(apple)周一暗示,史蒂夫乔布斯(stevejobs)已重返首席执行官一职,较预期提前数日结束病休。

    Steve Jobs has returned to appleas its active chief executive a few days ahead of the scheduled end of his medical leave , the company indicated on Monday .

  3. 随后,多纳霍开始回顾自己在eBay度过的八年职业生涯,其中五年他都担任首席执行官一职。

    Donahoe then begins to ruminate on his eight years at eBay ( eBay ) , five of them as CEO .

  4. 星巴克创始人霍华德舒尔茨(HowardSchultz)如今已接任首席执行官一职,希望使该公司重振雄风。

    Howard Schultz , Starbucks ' founder , has now taken over as chief executive to revive its fortunes .

  5. 库克的举动和约翰•布朗(JohnBrowne)形成鲜明对比,后者在2007年因外界对其私生活的指责而辞去英国石油(BP)的首席执行官一职。

    Mr Cook 's move contrasts with John Browne , who resigned as chief executive of oil company BP in 2007 over allegations about his private life .

  6. 斯科特表面上是典型的公司内部人士。在2000年从戴维•格拉斯(DavidGlass)手上接过首席执行官一职时,他称自己看不到有任何变革的必要。

    When Mr Scott , on the surface a classic company insider ( see left ), took over from David Glass as CEO in 2000 , he said he did not see any need to change things .

  7. 斯皮策宣布参选审计官一职,并与纽约市选民会面,NPR新闻的乔尔·罗斯将带来报道。

    Spitzer is meeting with voters in New York City as he launches a run -- comptroller , as NPR 's Joel Rose reports .

  8. 此前很多媒体都曾报道,2008年,正当这家社交网站风生水起之时,多西被迫辞去Twitter首席执行官一职,由曾经的哥们、联合创始人伊万•威廉斯接任。

    As was widely reported , Dorsey was pushed out of his role as twitter CEO in 2008 , just as the social network was gathering steam , replaced by once-pal and co-founder Evan Williams .

  9. 这些评语对克赖恩来说却不太吉利。2012年潘伟迪(VikramPandit)意外辞去花旗集团(Citigroup)首席执行官一职时,当时对他的评语与此如出一辙。

    Ominously for Mr Cryan , these comments echoed those made about Vikram Pandit when he unexpectedly stepped down as Citigroup 's CEO in 2012 .

  10. 1月4日早上,这一消息进一步得到坐实,因为雅虎宣布,将聘请贝宝公司(PayPal)总裁斯科特•汤普森出任首席执行官一职。

    The message was then reinforced this morning , when Yahoo ( yhoo ) announced that the hiring of PayPal president Scott Thompson as its new CEO .

  11. 杨致远(JerryYang)周一在致雅虎全体员工的备忘录中宣布将辞去首席执行官一职,并表示:你们都知道,我的血液一直是、而且将永远是(雅虎的)紫色。

    All of you know that I have always , and will always bleed [ Yahoo ] purple , said Jerry Yang , in a memo to All Yahoos on Monday , announcing he would step down as chief executive .

  12. 根据Frankel所说,告诉你的面试官一个真实的缺点,并解释你正在努力改正这个缺点,然后转移到下个话题。

    According to Frankel , supply your interviewer with one genuine flaw , explain how you are working to correct it , and then move on to a new question .

  13. 拉尔夫·劳伦(RalphLauren)即将离任公司首席执行官一职。作为一位被奉为圭臬的美国时尚大师,他利用源于乡村俱乐部和狂野西部服饰的奇思妙想,建立起了一个时装帝国。

    Ralph Lauren , the quintessential American designer who built a fashion empire based on sweeping fantasies of country-club prep and the Wild West , is stepping down from his post as chief executive of the company .

  14. 然而,相比于经济处罚,福雷斯特被剥夺董事资格的处罚可能更为严厉,因为这将迫使他辞去fortescue首席执行官一职。

    However , the financial penalties are likely to matter less to Mr Forrest than director disqualification , which would force him to step down as Fortescue chief executive .

  15. 2002年到2004年间,他在tridion(一家网站内容管理软件供应商)担任首席运营官一职。

    From2002to2004 , he held the position of chief operating officer for tridion , web content management software vendor .

  16. 杰利夫先生在悉尼大学获得经济学专业的学位,现于Pyrmont软件下属的Topologi公司担任首席技术官一职。

    Mr Jelliffe holds an economics degree from the University of Sydney and is chief technical officer at Topologi , a Pyrmont software company .

  17. 当Nooyi女士担当百事首席战略官一职时,她甚至在掌管公司之前就已开始实施健康食品生产公司的计划,这通过精心安排收购Tropicana和QuakerOats公司,这是两家生产早餐麦片的公司。

    In herformer role as Pepsi 's chief strategist , Ms Nooyi set the company on ahealthier course even before becoming its boss , by engineering the takeovers ofTropicana and Quaker Oats , which makes breakfast cereals .

  18. 在这次的电话会议上,谷歌宣布,柯德斯塔尼正式接掌首席商务官一职。柯德斯塔尼是谷歌的资深高管,在尼克什·阿罗拉(NikeshArora)跳至软银(SoftBank)之后,接替了他的工作。

    During the conference call , the company announced that Mr. Kordestani , a longtime Google executive who stepped into the role after the departure of Nikesh Arora for SoftBank , will be in the job permanently .

  19. 迫于不断增加的排放丑闻压力,文德恩(MartinWinterkorn)辞去了大众汽车(Volkswagen)首席执行官一职。自周一以来,这场丑闻令大众股价蒸发了30%以上,还震撼了欧洲汽车业。

    Martin Winterkorn stepped down as chief executive of Volkswagen , bowing to mounting pressure over an emissions scandal that has wiped more than 30 per cent off the company 's share price since Monday and sent tremors through the European car industry .

  20. 2005年5月,维尔纳•塞弗特(WernerSeifert)辞去了德意志证交所首席执行官一职,因为当时一些投资者强烈批评称,他准备以过高价格收购伦敦证交所,而没有关注于为股东带来回报。

    Werner Seifert resigned as chief executive of the Frankfurt-based exchange in May 2005 amid fierce criticism from some investors that he had been prepared to overpay to acquire the LSE , instead of focusing on delivering shareholder returns .

  21. 但加薪行动没有延伸到首席执行官一级。

    But that trend has not yet extended to chief executives .

  22. 2006年,她杀回卡夫并担任其首席执行官一职并兼任董事会主席。

    In2006 , she returned to Kraft as their CEO and chair .

  23. 他现在已经退休,无官一身轻。

    Now that he 's retired he 's free from all responsibilities .

  24. 首席运营官一职发生的变化折射出现代企业管理的现实情况。

    The shifting role of COO reflects the reality of running modern companies .

  25. 假释官一年没有他的消息了。

    Is probation officer hasn 't heard from him in over a ye .

  26. 他给检察官一份处方复本。

    He gave the Da copies of my prescriptions .

  27. 但索科尔是最可能接替你担任首席执行官一职的候选人。

    But Mr Sokol was a frontrunner to succeed you as chief executive .

  28. 执政官一职需要阅读很多东西。

    The consulship would require too much reading .

  29. 所以,给面试官一个好心情,说点称赞的话。

    So to put an interviewer in a better mood , offer a compliment .

  30. 如今我无官一身轻。

    I now quit altogether public affairs , and I lay down my burden .