
yī pú èr zhǔ
  • It is hard to serve two masters
  1. 这就形成了一仆二主的局面。

    That 's like asking one man to serve two masters .

  2. 然而与一般的艺术创作不同的是,提供给译者发挥其个性创作空间是有限度的,因为翻译毕竟面临着一仆二主的尴尬。

    Unlike general artistic creation , the translator 's limited room for creation is due to the embarrassing position of ' one-servant-and-two-masters ' .

  3. 社区服务一仆二主的身份,不仅带来理解上的混乱,也带来了操作上的困难,已经成为制约社区服务发展的瓶颈。

    The incompatible identity has brought confusion in understanding and difficulty in operating , which has already become bottleneck restraining development of community service .