首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 小山词构筑了一个纯真执着近乎圣洁的审美世界。

    Xiaoshan-Ci constructes an esthetic world pure , approaching to holy .

  2. 本章承第三章,从晚清四大家和近代的词学家对小山词的研究中进一步梳理出这一时期对《小山词》的接受情况。

    In order to show the Xiaoshan Ci research findings in these periods .

  3. 第二章:《小山词》在元明的接受呈世俗化的发展趋势。

    Part 2 : The reception of Xiaoshan Ci in Yuan Dynasty shows the secularize trend .

  4. 回忆这一心路历程转而成为《小山词》创作的心理态度。

    The spiritual way of memory has developed into the psychological attitude of the composing of Xiao-shan Ci .