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  • 网络Historical concept;idea of history
  1. 因此,讨论马克思与黑格尔历史观念的差别,必然是、甚至首先就是对他们的哲学&存在论的基础的检审。

    In this case , the discussion on the difference of the Idea of History between Marx and Hegel necessarily and firstly need review their philosophical-ontological foundation .

  2. 19世纪中国人历史观念的新旧过渡

    The Transition between the Old and the New Chinese Ideas of History in the 19th Century

  3. AmrMoussa表示,尽管那些故事包含了有趣的历史观念,但是那段时间已经成为过去。

    Amr Moussa said that while the stories include interesting historical ideas , that time is done and gone .

  4. 明治时代日本人的世界历史观念

    The Conception of World History in the Period of Meiji Restoration

  5. 晚清学人世界历史观念的变迁

    Changes on the Conception of World History in Late Qing

  6. 试论现代历史观念的演变与问题

    A tentative research on the evolution and problems of the modern historical notions

  7. 论西方近代的世界历史观念

    On the Idea of World History / Universal History in Western Modern Age

  8. 历史观念史:国病与身病&司马迁与扁鹊传奇

    The History of Historical Idea : Disease of Human Body and Disease of Society

  9. 电影则致力于能改变人们历史观念的历史剧作。

    Movies are dedicated to the historical dramas that shape our view on history .

  10. 哲学的历史观念及其变革

    Historic Conception of Philosophy and Its Changes

  11. 第七章讨论庄子和郭象的政治、历史观念。

    Chuang and Guo Xiang discussed in Chapter VII of the political and historical concepts .

  12. 一方面,霍布斯鲍姆进步历史观念的内涵变化轨迹明显;

    On one hand , this paper analyses the change of Hobsbawm 's progressive historical view .

  13. 造成这一差异的根本原因在于两者各自历史观念和世界观的不同。

    The reason for their difference comes from their respective outlooks of the world and of history .

  14. 按照传统的方式重新设计世界&论威廉·莫里斯情感社会主义的历史观念

    Redesign the World according to Traditional Way : on William Morris ' History Sense of Emotion Socialism

  15. 而整个结构中体现出的历史观念,来自上个世纪八十年代外部环境的影响。

    The historical ideas that appear in the whole structure are influenced by the environment of 1980 's.

  16. 存在主义、结构主义和精神分析学是影响他的历史观念的最重要的因素。

    Existentialism , structuralism and psycho-analysis are the most important factors that have influenced his historical ideas .

  17. 第二章论述刘震云作品中展现出来的历史观念。

    Chapter ⅱ is involved in the historical concept in Liu 's work which expresses a circulating history .

  18. 本部分阐释了马克思通过对黑格尔的世界历史观念的扬弃为突破口,从而确立了实践为理论基石的历史唯物主义新视界的历程。

    It established practice as the cornerstone of historical materialism from the sublation on Hegelian world history theory .

  19. 困难在于,从史学史的角度,陈述历史观念史,与一般的中国思想史或中国哲学史的分工,如何体现?

    The difficulty lies in how to distinguish it from the intellectual history or the history of Chinese philosophy .

  20. 激扬华章下的恒流与变异&关于卡莱尔及其历史观念

    A Constant Flow and Its Variations in the Vehement and Brilliant Writings : on Thomas Carlyle and His Historical Ideas

  21. 试比较《百年孤独》、《白鹿原》的历史观念与叙事策略

    A Comparative Study of The Plains of White Deer and Solitude for One Century in historical Concept and Narrative Strategies

  22. 19世纪是中国人历史观念由传统向近代转变的重要过渡时期。

    The 19th century was an important transitional period for changes of the Chinese ideas of history from traditional to modern ones .

  23. 转变历史观念、改变研究方法、探索新的社会效用是当今史学寻求转机的路径。

    The way to seek a turn is to change the historical concepts and research methods , and explore its new social utility .

  24. 19世纪一直构成欧洲历史学和实证哲学重要基础的进化历史观念,在20世纪20年代的中国成为最重要的认识论和知识规范。

    The notion of evolution was the basic epistemology for the historical study and positivism in 19-century became the most important mode of knowledge .

  25. 国家大一统的历史观念亘古有之,得到了各族人民的高度认可和推崇。

    The history of the concept of the unified state with the ancient , people of all nationalities have been highly recognized and respected .

  26. 世界历史观念不仅与民族文化反省密切相连,更直接影响着该国民的自我定位及前瞻未来的方向与行动力。

    The conception of world history is not only closed to the self-examination of the national culture , but also influences its people 's future activities .

  27. 英国提出的新历史观念,在培养学生的历史意识与能力方面有大的突破;

    England brought out the idea of " new history " , making a great breakthrough in the field of developing students ' historical consciousness and abilities ;

  28. 延展的时间、目的论、进步史观构成了中世纪世界历史观念的核心内容。

    The Extending time , teleology and progressive historical view have constituted the kernel content of the ideas of " world history " of the Middle Age .

  29. 类型是一个在成熟的电影工业语境中生发出来的概念,是一种折射社会、历史观念变迁的文化形式,可将类型电影视为一个由影片制作者、影片和观众构成的三角形关系。

    Genre is a concept derived from the context of a mature cinema industry , a cultural form reflecting changes of society and historical point of view .

  30. 西方历史观念的发展及其现代性危机,最终导致对与错、善与恶之间价值标准的消解。

    Western modernity and the development of its historical concept lead to at last the standard of the deconstruction of right and wrong , good and evil .