
  • 网络History;witness history
  1. 历史见证了莎士比亚戏剧在世界各种重要语言中不间断的衍生着。

    History has witnessed the endless productions of Shakespearean plays in every major language of the world .

  2. 既是易受伤害的历史见证人又是精明务实的幸存者;

    a vulnerable witness to history and a hardheaded survivor ;

  3. 解放区文艺转折的历史见证

    The Historical Confirmation of the Turn of Literature in Liberated Area

  4. 堤城:潮州古城的瑰宝与历史见证

    City dykes : the Treasure and Historical Evidence of Ancient Chaozhou

  5. 租界是近代中国在国际上受尽屈辱的历史见证。

    Concession is the historical witness of being humiliated in the world .

  6. 杜甫诗的历史见证品格及其审美分析

    Historical and Aesthetical Analyses on DU Fu 's Poetry

  7. 塞内卡尔已经退休,不再担任管家,如今他是这座度假村的历史见证者。

    Having dropped his butler duties to become the resort 's de facto historian .

  8. 原木是中华传统的精髓所在,是东方美学的历史见证。

    Log is the soul of Chinese tradition and a history testimony of oriental aesthetics .

  9. 史迪威、陈纳德是二战时期中美友谊的体现者和历史见证人。

    Stilwell and Chennault were the agents of and witness to this kind the friendship .

  10. 高丽使馆遗址是中国与高丽友好往来的历史见证。

    The site of the Korean embassy bears witness friendly exchange between China and korea .

  11. 阳堆取火&这是人类利用太阳能的历史见证。

    It has been a long history of human beings fetching energy from the sun .

  12. 一种“混血文化”的历史见证&塞舌尔群岛的克里奥尔音乐

    Creole Music of the Seychelles Islands

  13. 矿业遗迹是人类矿业活动的历史见证,是具有重要价值的历史文化遗产。

    The mining industry relic is the history witness of mankind activity and important history cultural inheritance .

  14. 简言之,公园大道432号是全球超富阶层崛起的历史见证物。

    432 Park Avenue is , in short , a monument to the epic rise of the global super-wealthy .

  15. 太湖流域旱涝与南海海温异常遥相关的历史见证

    Historical evidence of the correlation between drought / flood in Taihu Lake Basin and sea temperature abnormality in South China Sea

  16. 堤城是潮州古城的历史见证,也是一处具有丰富文化内涵的文物景观。

    The city dykes are the historical evidence of the ancient city as well as a cultural relic with a rich connotation .

  17. 水岩反应发生在成岩作用的过程中,水岩反应产物是储集层成岩作用的历史见证。

    Water rock interaction is an important process of the diagenesis , and its products are the proofs of reser-voir di agenesis .

  18. 公路工程档案和有形实体公路一样,都是公路建设过程的历史见证。

    Being as the tangible actual highway , the highway engineering archives serve as the witness of the construction history of highway .

  19. 宋元时期多元文化交融的历史见证&评吴文良原著、吴幼雄增订的《泉州宗教石刻》

    The Historical Witness of Multi-Cultural Blending at Song-Yuan Dynasty Period & A Review of the Stone Carvings of the Religion in Quanzhou ;

  20. 这些都是中国古代建筑和铸造工艺的灿烂明珠,是中华民族智慧和古代科技水平的历史见证,是无价之宝。

    These are ancient Chinese buildings and the brilliant casting of Pearl , is the ancient Chinese wisdom and technology historical testimony is invaluable .

  21. 东西方文化交流的历史见证&论北魏龙门石窟艺术

    The Testimony of History in Cultural Exchanges between West and China & On the Artistic Features of the Longmen Grottoes in the Northen Wei Dynasty

  22. 孔庙魁星阁是新余古代文化的历史见证,是新余文明精神的永久源泉。

    The Kuixin pavilion of Kongzi Temple is the historical witness of the ancient culture of Xinyu as well as the permanent source of cultural progress .

  23. 传统民俗文化是中华五千年文明的历史见证和文化载体,是推动区域经济社会发展的强大精神动力。

    Traditional folk culture is the testimony of history and culture carrier of Chinese civilization , is a powerful spiritual force to promote regional economic and social development .

  24. 现今面对城市快速发展的压力,保护城市重要历史见证的旧工业建筑已经是一个迫在眉睫的研究课题。

    Nowadays , under the pressure of cities ' rapid development , as a witness of the important history , the old industrial buildings urgently need to be protected .

  25. 如今,身为豪宅历史见证人的塞内卡尔有时会指出这不是真的,但特朗普会说:“谁会在意?”

    When Mr Senecal , who now serves as the house historian , points out it isn 't true , Mr Trump will reply : " Who cares ? "

  26. 油田档案与油田各项事业蓬勃发展,是油田发展的历史见证,油田档案在全面协调油田可持续发展中发挥了巨大的社会效益。

    Archives and oil fields of the industry is a milestone in the history field development , they play important role in comprehensive , coordinated and sustainable development of oil fields .

  27. 他们所使用和流通的各种货币即是民族之间政治往来、经济交流、文化碰撞的历史见证和实物缩影。

    All kinds of currency which they used and circulated in ancient times is the history witness and physical miniature of the political ties , economic exchanges and cultural collision between different nations .

  28. 只有那高高隆起的秦陵墓冢,如同一位饱经沧桑的历史见证人,向后人诉说着王朝盛衰交替的春秋。

    What is left is the main mausoleum itself , much like a historical witness who has been through much difficulty to tell the future generations of the rise and fall of empires .

  29. 作为地域精神的重要载体和时代发展与社会风貌的独特历史见证,工业遗产所蕴含的时代意义以及自身所蕴含的价值不可估量,理应作为人类宝贵的遗产资源纳入人类文明传承的保护工作中。

    As the important carrier of regional spirit and the unique historical testimony of social feature industrial heritage is so valuable and immeasurable that it should be protected as our precious heritage resource .

  30. 防御性军事工程与移民、戍卒所构筑的边防体系在维护王朝意志的同时也成为中原与西域,东方与西方经济文化交流互通的历史见证。

    The frontier defense system the Great Wall , migration and soldiers is not only the vindicator of empire spirit but also the witness of cultural exchange between hinterland and frontier , east and west .