
  • 网络History and Theory
  1. 第二部分,在历史与理论中探寻国际关系的文化轨迹。

    Part two pursues the cultural meaning of international relations , both in history and theory .

  2. 《球与迷宫》是塔夫里最为重要的历史与理论著作之一。

    The Sphere and The Labyrinth is one of the most important books of Tafuri 's writing about history and theory .

  3. 对话:AA学校的建筑历史与理论的教学思想

    Conversation : aa 's method and belief in teaching architecture histories and theories

  4. 批判医学人类学的历史与理论框架

    On the History and Theoretic Framework of Critical Medical Anthropology

  5. 理论贡献。历史与理论

    Contribution on related theories . HISTORIES & THEORIES

  6. 真理符合论的历史与理论

    A History Study of Correspondence Theory of Truth

  7. 第二部分着重介绍教师同伴指导的发展历史与理论基础。

    The second part of my thesis will talk about history and theoretic basis of peer coaching .

  8. 心理学的人文取向&20世纪美国现象学心理学的历史与理论主张

    Human Science Approach of Psychology : The History and Theoretical Ideas of American Phenomenological Psychology in 20th Century

  9. 对纵向一体化的发展历史与理论的研究对我国制造产业的发展有重要的现实意义。

    The research into the history and the theory of vertical integration makes great sense to the development of Chinese manufacturing .

  10. 第二章从建筑语言的表层形式入手,对中国古代的建筑历史与理论作了一些研究;

    In the second chapter , the paper study the history of China tradition architecture on the suface layer of architecture philology .

  11. 开启理论探索的新航程&读《西方国际政治学:历史与理论》(第二版)

    Making A New Voyage of Theoretic Exploration : A Review of Western International Politics : History and Theory ( the Second Edition );

  12. 总结了龙庆忠教授的建筑教育思想,介绍了华南理工大学建筑历史与理论专业培养研究生的经验。

    This paper summarizes Professor Long 's educational thoughts of Architectural students and some experience in cultivation of postgraduates of Architectural History and theory .

  13. 对线阵列扬声器系统进行定义,介绍其发展历史与理论知识,探讨与线阵列有关技术问题,总结在实际应用中的相关问题。

    The definition for line array loudspeaker system was made , and its history and theory knowledge were introduced as well as related technique problems .

  14. 这里说的是建筑学研究生教育其中的两个方向,即建筑历史与理论、建筑设计及其理论两个研究方向。

    In this article , we involve two directions of architecture graduate education , one is architectural history and theory , the other is architectural design and its theory .

  15. 本文试图从历史与理论分析两个视角,对中国古代编辑的生存状况进行全面观照,以期对当代编辑活动有所启示。

    The paper , from two visual angles of history and theory , attempts to give ancient Chinese editors'living condition a comprehensive survey and present some inspiration to contemporary editorial activities .

  16. 本文主要阐述了柯尔施问题提出的历史与理论背景,并对其内涵进行了理论剖析,基于此文章提出了柯尔施问题的探讨所带给我们的启示。

    This paper mainly focuses on the historical and theoretical background of " Korsch issue ", theoretically analyze the issue and based on which present the revelation by discussing the issue .

  17. 对山西省近代学校建筑的典型实例&山西省立国民师范学校进行了调查,从建筑历史与理论的角度,对其建筑平面、立面和造型特点等进行了分析。

    This paper makes investigation of the typical example of Shanxi 's modern schoolhouse & Shanxi Provincial People 's Normal School , and from the angles of the architectural history and architectural theory , analyzes on the features of its building plane , building elevation , and architectural modeling , etc.

  18. 心理学家处方权的历史由来与理论争论

    Origin and Disputes of Prescription Privileges for Psychologists

  19. 从工业化兴起的世界史视角对工业化的演进过程做出历史分析与理论解释。

    The author makes history analysis and explains about the world history perspective of industrialization development .

  20. 对外开放战略的历史考察与理论创新

    A Study on the History of the Opening - up Strategy and the Innovation of the Theory

  21. 论文在结构上采取了整体把握与个案研究相结合的方式,在内容上则力求历史梳理与理论辨析相统一。

    The thesis combines wholly hold with case study on structure , unifies historical comb with the theoretical analysis on content .

  22. 第3章俄汉词典编纂实践的历史发展与理论形成,回顾了俄汉词典编纂实践的历程,勾勒出俄汉词典编纂理论形成的轨迹;

    The third chapter " The historical development of Russian-Chinese dictionary-making practice and forming process of lexicographical theory " looked over the history of Russian-Chinese dictionary-making , describes the trace of Russian-Chinese dictionary lexicographical theory forming .

  23. 两者相成,将宏观研究与个案研究、历史描述与理论建构相结合,以期重新绘制一幅民国前二十五年更为全面的诗学版图。

    Based on the above-mentioned , the author combines the macroscopic research and case studies , the historical description and theoretical construction , so as to draw a more comprehensive poetics picture of the Republic twenty-five years .

  24. 国史研究在构建社会主义和谐社会中的功能体现在总结正反经验、阐述已创造的条件和提供历史借鉴与理论支持;

    The functions of national history studies in the construction of a socialist harmonious society are manifested in summing up positive and negative experience , expounding the conditions already created and providing historical references and theoretical support .

  25. 历史前提与理论模式之间的反差使得社会主义国家在处理增长与分配问题的初步探索中逐渐倾向于先增长后分配战略。

    The difference between historical background and theoretical premise made socialist countries take up the policy " growth first distribution second " gradually while exploring how to dispose the relationship of growth and distribution in socialist countries in the early period .

  26. 借助历史考察与理论分析相结合、理论与实际相结合和比较法等研究方法,本文对上述问题进行反思,总结其中得到的启示和教训。

    By means of historical investigation and theoretical analysis , the combination of the methods of integrating theory with practice and comparison , this paper carries on reconsideration to the above-mentioned problems , and summarize the enlightenment and lessons from them .

  27. 第一章对地区主义的基本概念与层次、地区主义的历史发展与理论线索以及地区主义理论的建构方法进行了探讨,在揭示地区主义理论基点和发展线索的基础上提出本文的分析框架与内容的取舍。

    The first chapter sees the conception of regionalism , the development clue of regionalism theory and practice , and the method of the theory constructing . Then , the author explains the framework of the paper and the trade-off of the comment .

  28. 由于历史条件与理论立场的局限,德国古典哲学尽管开创了近代西方哲学的最高峰,但其自身的思辨实质决定了它作为一个哲学形态不可能导向人类社会历史领域里的真正科学。

    Because of the historical conditions and limitation of the theory position , Germany 's classical philosophy did not hesitate to open the highest peak of western philosophy . But its own speculate essence determined it impossible to lead a real science in human social history field as a philosophy .

  29. 用GARCH滤波的历史模拟与极值理论的混合方法也可得到在各个置信水平都有效而准确的VaR估计。

    Or use the GARCH processed historical simulation and theory and mixed methods can also get the effective and accurate VaR estimation at various confidence levels .

  30. 为此,本章对公司自治的思想渊源进行了历史的回顾与理论的解答。

    This chapter looks backward to examine the origin of the thinking of corporate autonomy .