
  • 网络Historic District;historical area
  1. 历史街区商业化进程中的体验设计研究

    Theoretical Study on the Experience Design in the Commercialization of Historic District

  2. 杭州留下历史街区保护规划研究

    Study on the conservation planning of Hangzhou Liuxia historic district

  3. GIS技术在历史街区保护规划中的应用研究

    Studies on the Application of the GIS Technology to the Preservation Planning for Historic Blocks

  4. 漳州市历史街区的旅游开发条件的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis of the Tourism Development of the Historic Blocks of Zhangzhou City

  5. 已有许多实践证明,商业化是最有效的历史街区保护模式,而RBD(RecreationBusinessDistrict,游憩商业区)的规划则是为其量身定做。

    It has proved that commercialization is the most effective protection pattern of the historical blocks , and the plan of RBD ( Recreation Business District ) is for its tailor-made .

  6. 阐述建立公众参与城市规划制度的必要性,探讨了类型学方法与GIS技术在历史街区保护中的运用,以便为今后的保护工作提供依据。

    The paper proposes that it is necessary to establish institution in the public participation of urban planning and discusses the evolution of typology and GIS Technology as well as its application in the conservation of the historic districts .

  7. 普林斯顿的官员拒绝就此置评,但当地的古迹保护审议委员会(HistoricPreservationReviewCommittee)9月份发布了一份建议创建历史街区的报告,报告援引支持者的话称,研究显示“设立历史街区对房地产价值有提振效果”。

    Princeton officials declined to comment , but in a September report recommending creation of the district , the town 's Historic Preservation Review Committee said supporters cited studies showing ' a positive effect of historic districting on property values . "

  8. 历史街区的基本特性及其保护原则

    The true nature and the preservation principles for the historic blocks

  9. 上海历史街区旅游开发研究

    Study on the Tourism Development of Historic Streets in Downtown Shanghai

  10. 历史街区的交通规划设计编制框架探讨

    A Discussion on Transport Planning and Design Framework for Historic Areas

  11. 历史街区的生存面临着严峻的挑战。

    The existence of the historical district faces the severe challenge .

  12. 徐州青年路历史街区的保护与更新探讨

    Protection and Renewal of Historical Block Along Youth Road in Xuzhou

  13. 纽约南街港滨水历史街区再开发研究

    Waterfront Revitalization : South Street Seaport Historic Quarter in New York

  14. 城市中心历史街区商业复兴空间设计方法研究

    A Research on Space Controlling in Retail Revitalization of Historical Blocks

  15. 对当代中国历史街区保护和更新的思考

    Thinking on modern Chinese history street blocks ' protection and renovation

  16. 历史街区的公共空间是历史街区不可分割的一部分。

    Public space is an essential part of the historical district .

  17. 指出了重庆历史街区现状与存在问题。

    Frist , point out present and problems of the Chongqing .

  18. 历史街区旅游利益主体的矛盾冲突研究

    A Research into the Conflicts of Tourism Stakeholders among Historic Blocks

  19. 上海衡山路历史街区的景观空间特征分析与保护研究

    Study on Landscape Features Conservation of Shanghai Heshan-Fuxin Historic Heritage Area

  20. 北京前门历史街区传统民居的特色

    Characteristic of traditional civilian residence of Qian Men historical street in Beijing

  21. 阳朔西街历史街区保护与再利用

    The Historic Blocks Protection and Renewal in Yangshuo West Street

  22. 历史街区的生活方式保护与文化传承&看苏州古街坊改造

    Life Style Preservation and Cultural Inheritance in Historical Street Blocks

  23. 浅谈历史街区商业街的保护与更新

    Discussion of the protection and renovation of commercial block in historical district

  24. 历史街区保护的双系统模式的建构

    Construction of the Mode of Dual System in Conservation of Historic Precincts

  25. 历史街区的更新相对保护而言是一个更复杂的问题。

    The renewal of the historical blocks is more complicated than protection .

  26. 天津原奥租界历史街区保护开发研究

    Research on Protection and Exploitation of Austrian Concessions History Block in Tianjin

  27. 福州市三坊七巷历史街区文化旅游可持续发展探讨

    Discussion on Sustainable Development of Cultural Tourism in Historic Streets in Fuzhou

  28. 现在还有另外16个街区也正准备加入历史街区的行列。

    Another 16 districts are waiting to join the club .

  29. 体验经济下历史街区商业化更新设计研究

    Theoretical Study on the Commercialization of Historic District under the Experience Economy

  30. 南通寺街&西南营历史街区保护与更新

    Protection and renewing of the Nantong temple street-western and southern historical block