
  1. 在重建外科手术后,它的面容一团糟:暴露在外的组织、裸露的尖牙还有鼓起来的眼睛都不忍直视。

    Even after reconstructive surgery , Chase 's facial features were now an unsettling mass of exposed tissue , bared fangs , and bulging eyes .

  2. 梅姨蹩脚地模仿孩子们的动作让人不忍直视,但电视机前的观众们眼里,她看起来只是在广场上扭曲地缓缓移动。

    The premier 's toe-curling bid to copy the children 's movements had TV viewers watching through their fingers as she jerked and shuffled her way across the playground .

  3. 尽管市场中的死狗可能让西方人不忍直视,但是他也指出了东南亚地区对动物的不同文化和态度。

    Although the market 's dead dogs may bedifficult for westerners to look at , Mr Walsh points to the different culturesand attitudes towards the animals in South East Asia .