
  • 网络non-alignment;non-aligment policy
  1. 论中国的不结盟政策的确立和发展

    On the Establishment and Development of the Chinese Non Alignment Policy

  2. 我国奉行不结盟政策。

    Our country pursues a policy of nonalignment .

  3. 二是改变了一条线的战略,实行真正的不结盟政策。

    Second , the " One Line " strategy being changed , the " nonalignment " policy is fulfilled .

  4. 从70年代开始,巴基斯坦政府为了获得更大的外交活动空间,决定改变与美国结盟的外交政策,奉行新的不结盟政策。

    Since 1970s , in order to obtain more community of foreign affairs , Pakistan was determined to change the foreign policy of allying with USA , pursuing new nonalignment policy .

  5. 冷战后中国继续奉行不结盟政策,并以这一政策的力量和自身的努力,为建立新型国家关系,为探索维护国际和平安全的新途径、摈弃军事同盟政策,作出了自己独特的贡献。

    With her power and her own efforts , China has made her special contribution to the world in establishing new state relations , in searching for new ways of safeguarding international peace and security , and in getting rid of the policy of military alliance . [ WT5FZ ]

  6. 国际事务中保持中立或不结盟的政策。

    A policy of neutrality or nonalignment in international affairs .

  7. 包括不结盟外交政策在内的独立自主和平政策有利于反对霸权主义、维护世界和平,也能有效地维护本国的主权和领土完整,充分实现国家的最高利益。

    Only when a country depends on itself in its diplomatic policies and contributes itself to the world peace can it defend its sovereignty and integrity and fully realize its national interests .

  8. 南斯拉夫是不结盟思想和政策的诞生地,是不结盟运动的创始国之一。

    Yugoslavia is thebirthplace of the thought and policy of nonalignment , and is one of the initiators of thenonalignment movement .

  9. 针对发展中国家和不结盟国家的友好政策。

    A policy of friendship toward the developing and non-aligned countries .

  10. 坚持独立、不结盟的和平外交政策,冷静、理性地对待和发展中美关系,发展中俄战略协作伙伴关系,推动建立多极世界格局和国际新秩序,将成为21世纪中国外交的战略性抉择。

    The strategic diplomatic choices of Chinese government in the 21 century should be keeping insisting on the policies of peaceful diplomacy with national autonomy and avoiding allies , developing the Sino-US relations with sober mind , improving the Russia-China strategic partnership powers and the new international orders .

  11. 不结盟是印度处理与中东关系的根本原则。第一章从尼赫鲁时期外交政策的奠定开始,认为尼赫鲁提出的和平、中立、不结盟政策是印度独立后几十年来外交政策的基石;

    Whether launching the nonalignment policy becomes an important criteria in judging their relationship ; The first chapter introduces Nehru 's foreign policy , which was the basis of India 's diplomatic relationships in the author 's opinion .

  12. 两者的不结盟思想亦存在一些不同点,其不同点反映了独立后印度和新时期社会主义中国不结盟外交理论与政策的各自特色和差异性。

    Meanwhile there are also differences between them , which mirrors the specific features and divergences of the two countries after India became independent and China entered the new age of development .