
bù mǎi zhàng
  • not buy it;not go for it;be unwilling to accept sb.'s authority over oneself;give no heed to
不买账[bù mǎi zhàng]
  1. 假如树立了正确的投资理念,发的高股民就不买账,发行方发不出去,保荐方要承受损失。

    If the correct investment concept , the high people will not go for it , the issuer does not go out , the party should bear the loss .

  2. 对于官僚主义,群众是不买账的。

    The masses won 't go for bureaucracy .

  3. 他越是神气,我们越不买账。

    The more airs he gives himself , the less respect we 'll show him .

  4. 不过在目前,一家加州企业的经历便足以说明,为何英国投资者对有志在Aim上市的海外企业越来越不买账。

    At the moment , however , the experience of one Californian company is sufficient to illustrate why investors in the UK are becomingly increasingly reluctant to buy into overseas aspirants to Aim .

  5. 对制裁不买账的俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin)继续深得民心,甚至在近几周在乌克兰变得更加咄咄逼人。

    A defiant Russian President Vladimir Putin continues to enjoy popular support , and has become even more aggressive in Ukraine in recent weeks .

  6. 在场的一些年轻的黑人选民也对罗姆尼经济政策给出了积极的回应,但是18岁的ChristinaHowse却不买账,她说罗姆尼需要给出更实质性的东西:

    Some young black voters at the event also responded positively to Romney 's economic proposals . But 18 year old Christina Howse wanted more substance :

  7. 问:你是《纽约客》的漫画编辑,HBO纪录片《幽默的严肃》(VerySemi-Serious)的主角。在影片中,当你不买账的时候,漫画家们就会向你尝试解释他们的作品。

    You 're the cartoon editor of The New Yorker and the subject of a new HBO documentary , " Very Semi-Serious . " In it , cartoonists often try to explain their cartoons to you if you aren 't initially sold .

  8. 如果莎拉不买账的话你可别怪我。

    Don 't blame me if Sarah doesn 't buy it .

  9. 我非常激动,想知道大家买不买账。

    I 'm very excited to see how it does .

  10. 事实上,投资者对这两项计划都不买账。

    In fact , they hated both ideas .

  11. 但我的父母不买账。

    But my parents weren 't buying it .

  12. 但你不买账啊

    But you 're not buying it .

  13. 他给女友解释了情况,但是她完全不买账。

    Peter explained the situation to his girlfriend but it cut no ice with her .

  14. 众人皆知主席和他的副手互不买账。

    It 's no secret that the chairman and his deputy dislike each other intensely .

  15. 我可不买账

    I 'm not buying it either .

  16. 凤凰战斗机是两个让我不买账的单位之一。

    The Pheonix is probably one of the only two units that I wasn 't sold on .

  17. 第一夫人米歇尔对老公的舞技也不买账。

    His wife , First Lady Michelle Obama , is also not a fan of the presidents dancing skills .

  18. 但是女孩却不买账,她们不喜欢我,对我的娇柔做作嗤之以鼻,说我是在演戏。

    But the girls didn 't buy it . They didn 't like me ; they sniffed it out , the acting .

  19. 可能你自认为的成功标准别人都不买账,这样你可能也是个失败者,只有你自己知道。

    You might be a failure by standards you hold dear but that the world doesn 't reward . Only you can know .

  20. 可怜的芭比,通过整容来满足世俗审美,但批评者们仍然不买账。

    Poor Barbie . She had plastic surgery to become more socially acceptable . But a lot of her critics still don 't like her .

  21. 我属于那群对传统宗教不买账的科学家,但是我却否认宇宙是一个没有目的的事故。

    I belong to the group of scientists who do not subscribe to a conventional religion but nevertheless deny that the universe is a purposeless accident .

  22. 投资者认为,日本对他们宣扬股东价值的努力拒不买账,而且在那里,股市若能反弹至1990年水平的四分之一,就算是一轮牛市了。

    Investors regard Japan as resistant to their attempts to spread the gospel of shareholder value and a place where a bull run is when equities rally to one-quarter their 1990 level .

  23. 这种歪曲的自我形象自有其高贵的起源,也许反映了一种值得称道的对权势不买账的桀骜不羁,以及因被当作欺凌弱小者而怀有负罪感,就算是在做好事也不例外。

    This distorted self-image has its own noble origins , reflecting a perhaps laudable liberal discomfort with power and a sense of guilt at being perceived as a bully , even in a good cause .

  24. 虽然中国的通胀情况刚刚有所缓解,星巴克却不买账,开始在中国的连锁店对部分产品进行涨价。

    Just when inflation was beginning to ease here in China , the coffee chain says : not so for its business and raised the prices on certain types of its drinks sold in China - starting from this morning .

  25. 虽然女儿看起来对这件新衣服不怎么买账,但老爸还是笑嘻嘻的跟女儿拍了一张合影。

    And while his daughter doesn 't look too happy about the new attire , her father is pictured grinning beside her .