
bìng xiū
  • be on sick leave;sick rest;lie up
病休[bìng xiū]
  1. 苹果公司(apple)周一暗示,史蒂夫乔布斯(stevejobs)已重返首席执行官一职,较预期提前数日结束病休。

    Steve Jobs has returned to appleas its active chief executive a few days ahead of the scheduled end of his medical leave , the company indicated on Monday .

  2. Chris是从一个电视节目里知道阿斯伯格综合症的,当时他自己正由于工作压力太大在家病休。看了这个节目之后,他就去看了一个专家。这位专家将他诊断为高功能阿斯伯格综合症患者。

    Chris learnt about AS through a television programme while he was off work with stress . He subsequently saw a specialist who placed him high on the Asperger 's scale .

  3. 为什么你这么肯定你想病休?

    Why are you so sure you 'll get a medical discharge ?

  4. 库克是名经验丰富的老将,因此预计苹果这次也将安然度过乔布斯病休的日子。

    Apple will be fine , again , under veteran coo Tim Cook .

  5. 病休期拿全额工资。

    Time off work because of sickness is paid at the full rate .

  6. 我打电话给五角大楼了,他们告诉我他病休了。

    I called the Pentagon and they told me he 's on medical leave .

  7. 农民工残障和慢性病患病率均低于城市和农村居民,病休率无明显差异。

    The rate of disable and chronic disease of migrants was lower than urban / rural counterparts .

  8. 每年约有200万天的病休是由下肢不适而导致的。

    Around two million days a year are lost through sickness as a result of lower limb disorders .

  9. 她在2009年5月生了第一个孩子病休产假8周。

    She gave birth to her first child in May of 2009 and took eight weeks of maternity leave .

  10. 乔布斯病休引起了投资者的担忧,尤其是因为苹果没有透露他病情或预后的具体细节。

    His absence has concerned investors , especially since the group has given no details of his condition or prognosis .

  11. 现在公司最大的问题是有关乔布斯的健康状况,从1月起他一直在病休中。

    The biggest cloud on the horizon is Mr Jobs 's health ; he has been on medical leave since January .

  12. 据统计我国有65%的成人曾患过腰痛,有16%的病休是因腰痛造成的。

    According to the statistics , there are65percent of adults used to suffer from Lumbago , and16percent of diseases caused by Lumbago .

  13. 前者的平均年龄最大、病期最短、累计病休时间最长、残疾级别最低,后者反之。

    The former patients showed oldest average age , shortest duration , longest sick leave , and lowest disability grade , but the latter was opposite .

  14. 围绕英国税务及海关总署(revenue&customs)的税收政策仍存在争议,这并不意外,因为所有的高级职务要么是兼职的临时人员,要么就在病休。

    There is a row over the tax policies of revenue & customs not surprising given that all the senior people are either part-time , temporary or off sick .

  15. 他非常抱歉地说意向书要过几天才能递交,因为开发部主管和她的助理都因流感病休了。

    He is extraordinarily apologetic that the letter will come several days later , explaining that the director of development and her assistant are both out with the flu .

  16. 关于主要症状选取,因为感冒在病休表现的症状特别多,如果将四诊所得的全部症状作为输入,那将会使神经网络结构变得十分庞大和复杂,因此有必要选出主要症状。

    If use all the symptom as the input of the ANFIS network , the structure of the network may become very large and complex . So it is necessary to pick out the main symptom from the symptom sets .