
  • 网络White supremacy;White-Power
  1. 正在那里的加里·塔克曼有最新进展,他称一纸搜查令显示他们可能被卷入进一个残酷的白人优越主义团伙。

    Gary Touchman is there with the very latest dawn on what a search warrant reveals who might have been involved in this possibly possibly a brutal white supremacist gang .

  2. 广告女性形象的再现由社会机构操纵,充满了权力欲望。他们代表着美国白人优越主义的资本主义父权制,及其通过构筑和控制其它者,意欲维护其政治、经济、文化权力的欲望。

    Female representation in advertising is saturated with the power of domination by the social institutions which represent the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy of the United States , which attempt to maintain its social , cultural , economic and political power by fabricating and dominating the ' Other ' .

  3. 南方贫困法律中心(SouthernPovertyLawCenter)一直在监测此类组织,早就已经把现年40岁的佩奇列入了数百人的黑名单,原因是他与白人至上运动有关,还担任推崇白人优越主义的乐队EndApathy的领队。

    Mr. Page , 40 , had long been among the hundreds of names on the radar of organizations monitored by the Southern Poverty Law Center because of his ties to the white supremacist movement and his role as the leader of a white-power band called End Apathy .