
  1. 对生活心存感激。不要想太多消极的事情。

    Be grateful to life . Don 't think too much about the negative things .

  2. Zach,听我说,有时候不要想太多过去的事情。

    Zach , listen to me . Sometimes it 's not good to look back in the past .

  3. 首先抓大形,不要想太多细节的问题。

    Don 't worry about the fine details at this point .

  4. 关于这个声音听起来像什么,不要想太多。

    Don 't think too much about what that sounds like .

  5. 不要想太多,尽管放手去做

    Don 't think too much , just do it

  6. 心是控制不住的,不要想太多,晚安。

    Just for once I want someone to be afraid of losing Me .

  7. 所以如果你有遇到这个问题你不要想太多了。

    So if you have experience this problem you do not want too much .

  8. 布斯克:不要想太多,别担心犯错。

    Busque : Don 't overthink it and don 't be afraid to make mistakes .

  9. 不要想太多。

    Don 't think too much .

  10. 最重要的准则就是放松地享受,不要想太多。

    The most important principle is be relax and enjoy , don 't think too much .

  11. 试着不要想太多--现在还不是隐居的时候!

    Try not to dwell on it too much - this is not the time to be reclusive !

  12. 对于他,我很崇拜也很尊敬,因为他是英语学习中的一个神话,我可以做的就是,不要想太多,做就是了。

    I admire and respect him very much , all what I can do is Just do it instead of thinking !

  13. 不要想太多,只是萧条的厚,我要乘坐的的士棒。

    Don 't think too much , just bust that thick , I wanna take a ride on your disco stick .

  14. 运动,戒酒,休息,脑子里不要想太多东西。

    Exercise , lay off the alcohol , get some rest , and try not to play too many mind games with yourself .

  15. 首先他说,在拍美食照的时候“不要想太多”。拍出来的照片应当显得自然。

    First of all , when taking food snapshots , he says , ' Don 't overthink it . ' The result should look natural .

  16. 不要想太多应对烦心任务的一种方法是把注意力转移到其他事情上。

    Dont think about it that much One way to deal with the task is to put your mind elsewhere and not think about it that much .

  17. 她在书中写道,她仍然在接受康复治疗,以恢复面部肌肉的功能,对于以后可能需要做的手术,她试图不要想太多。

    She still goes to therapy sessions to regain the use of her facial muscles , she wrote in her book , and tries not to dwell on the operations she may need in the future .

  18. 瓦特:不要想得太多。

    Watt : Don 't think about it too much .

  19. 不要想得太多,否则你会创造新的问题。

    Don 't think too much or you 'll create a problem that wasn 't even there in the first place .

  20. 但是,国会中的一些共和党议员警告说,不要想救太多的公司,我们应该把重点放在解决眼前的危机上。

    But some Republicans in Congress are warning against trying to do too much for too many , rather than focusing on the immediate crisis at hand .

  21. Dan不要为那些孩子想太多,他们也只会顾着自己,你也要这样做,好吧?

    Rufus : Dan , don 't think for a second , these other kids aren 't gonna be looking out for themselves . You need to do the same . All right ? -

  22. 保持积极,不要让自己想地太多。

    Stay active , do not allow yourself to think so much .

  23. 享受你的内衣和鞋子内销勒布朗享受生活,不要担心别人怎么想太多。

    Enjoy your lingerie and enjoy lebron shoes saler life , don 't worry too much about what other people think .