
  1. 难道你就一点儿都不害怕吗?

    Weren 't you just a weeny bit scared ?

  2. 不知为什么他讲这些故事时一点都不害怕。

    Somehow he tells these stories without a note of horror

  3. 处在我这样位置的人,一点都不害怕像你这种小人物。

    A man in my position has nothing to fear from a nobody like you .

  4. 我当然不害怕!

    Of course I 'm not afraid !

  5. 黛安娜第二天早上送他走的时候,内心很平静,也不害怕。

    Diane felt very calm and unafraid as she saw him off the next morning .

  6. 他从来都不害怕失败:他是个冒险家,随时准备到别处从头再来。

    He had never been afraid of failure : he was a gambler , ready to go off somewhere else and start all over again .

  7. 只要你不害怕,游泳就不难了。

    Swimming is easier if you can put your fears aside .

  8. 我问她为什么都不害怕。

    I asked why she had not been afraid .

  9. 我很紧张但不害怕。

    I was nervous but not scared .

  10. 一个英勇的战士在执行任务时决不害怕危险

    A brave fighter never shrinks from danger in executing an assignment .

  11. 难道你偷偷离开家不害怕么?

    Weren 't you afraid of sneaking out of your house ?

  12. 夏天变秋天的时候,你也不害怕。

    Yet , you were not afraid when Summer became Fall .

  13. 难道你不害怕她再次自杀吗?

    Aren 't you afraid she 's gonna do it again ?

  14. 因为年轻,所以我们不害怕失去任何东西。

    Because we are young , we afraid nothing to lose .

  15. 他们永远不害怕市场飘忽不定的行为。

    They no longer fear the erratic behavior of the market .

  16. 那是家,我不害怕家。

    Is home . I am not afraid from my home .

  17. 他不害怕,因为你对他不构成威胁。

    He is not afraid because you represent no threat to .

  18. 这是我们的命运,我们不害怕它。

    This is our way , we do not fear it .

  19. 说实话,我一点也不害怕。

    To be honest , I 'm not afraid at all .

  20. 制片人不害怕做些艰难的抉择。

    The producers are not afraid to make some tough choices .

  21. 一个人不害怕吗?

    It 's scary to be alone , isn 't it ?

  22. 看到没?他们不害怕参加测试。

    You see ? They 're not afraid to take the test .

  23. 但是,只要不是人类,现在她是不害怕了。

    But , outside humanity , she had at present no fear .

  24. 那时我们不害怕他们,并试着和他们打招呼。

    We were not afraid then and we tried to greet them .

  25. 秃鹫们很害怕,但是无忌不害怕。

    The vultures are afraid but Mowgli is not afraid .

  26. 天文学家能够预测日食的日期所以他们不害怕。

    Astronomers know the dates of eclipses and they are not afraid .

  27. “当然好了只要你不害怕就行。”

    " Of course & if you ai n 't afeard . "

  28. 你难道不害怕所有这些疯狂的构想将失败吗?

    Aren 't you scared that all these wacky ideas will fail ?

  29. 你当时不害怕吗,有没有失去知觉呢?

    Weren 't you scared ? Did you lose consciousness ?

  30. 我将很快会死去,我不害怕。

    I might die soon . I 'm not scared .