
  1. 我们也不必太在意那些业余的啦。

    And we needn 't concern ourselves with amateurs .

  2. 凡事不必太在意,更不需去强求,一切随缘。

    Not too concerned about everything , but without the need to force it all Going .

  3. 所以,让我们不必太在意伤痛和内心的困境。

    So , we have no need to care the pain and the deep end in your heart .

  4. 如果像看似可能的那样,这种状况现在已经结束,那么普京政治策略的关键假设俄罗斯可以利用自身的能源实力提升其世界影响力,除了选民外,不必太在意其他任何人的感受就被摧毁了。

    If this has now ended , as seems likely , the key assumption of his politics that Russia can use its energy power to boost its world power without paying much attention to the sensitivities of anyone but the Russian electorate has been destroyed .