
tián bǔ kòng bái
  • fill in gaps;stop a gap
填补空白[tián bǔ kòng bái]
  1. 而在一些手机信号不佳的办公楼和家庭住宅,仍需要Wi-Fi来填补空白。

    Wi-Fi also helps fill in gaps in some office buildings and homes that have spotty cellphone coverage .

  2. 华盛顿&美国和日本就跨太平洋伙伴关系(Trans-PacificPartnership,简称TPP)最后的细节久拖不决之时,中国正积极地填补空白。

    WASHINGTON & While the United States and Japan dawdle over the last details of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement , China is moving to fill the vacuum .

  3. 华盛顿——美国和日本就跨太平洋伙伴关系(Trans-PacificPartnership,简称TPP)最后的细节久拖不决之时,中国正积极地填补空白。

    WASHINGTON - While the United States and Japan dawdle over the last details of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement , China is moving to fill the vacuum .

  4. 英格兰莱斯特大学(UniversityofLeicester)的利·弗莱彻(LeighFletcher)在接受采访时表示,望远镜的远距离观察“将填补空白,让我们有一个总体的了解。我们将获得有史以来最好的木星观测数据。”

    The faraway observations by telescopes will " fill in the blanks to get the big-picture story , " Leigh Fletcher , of the University of Leicester in England , said in an interview . " We 'll have the best observational data set of Jupiter that we 've ever had . "

  5. 我正在努力填补空白的地方。

    And that I 'm trying to fill in the blanks .

  6. 第三,引导学生多元化地填补空白。

    Thirdly , instruct students to fill up vacancy diversely ;

  7. 继续采用填补空白式的市场定位。

    Continue to use " fill in the blanks type " market positioning .

  8. 转型期城镇反贫困理论的研究亟需填补空白;

    To research the poverty theory in cities and towns during the transform ;

  9. 与此同时,其他内衣品牌进入了这一市场来填补空白。

    Meanwhile , other intimates brands are stepping in to fill the gaps .

  10. 因此,在这方面一直处于空白状态,本课题具有填补空白的意义。

    Consequently , this subject plays an filling blank role in this field .

  11. 科技创新填补空白创造效益

    Technical innovation , fill blank , creation benefit

  12. 他说他非常好,还他在试着填补空白。

    He says he 's okay and he 's trying to fill in the blanks .

  13. 同样毫无疑问的是,设计师已经嗅到了机遇,并且提供了一系列服饰来填补空白。

    And no wonder designers have smelled opportunity and provided collections to fill the gap .

  14. 侧写师会填补空白的

    The profiler fills in the blanks .

  15. 还是只是把几个词凑在一起来填补空白?

    Or are you simply stringing a couple of words together just to fill a gap ?

  16. 填平缺口或填补空白听录音,完成填空。

    Fill in a gap Listen to Sam and fill in the blanks in the passage .

  17. 而且,世界上没有别的消费者群体可能挺身而出,填补空白。

    And no other consumer in the world is likely to step up and fill the void .

  18. 填平缺口或填补空白

    Fill in a gap

  19. 不敢说填补空白,但至少对相关研究有所裨益。

    Dare not say that to fill the gap , but at least be useful for related research .

  20. 政府面临破产,他表示,他们终于允许私营部门来填补空白了。

    The government is bankrupt , he says . They are finally allowing the private sector to fill the gap .

  21. 近年来,中国博物馆事业蓬勃发展,各种类型博物馆不断涌现填补空白。

    With recent development of Chinese museum enterprise , museum of all types continue to appear to fill in the blanks .

  22. 如果一波资金退出,似乎总有另外一批资金来填补空白。

    If one wave of money pulled out , it seemed that another was always coming in to fill the void .

  23. 用时髦的话说,今天休斯敦正在经历一个迅速“填补空白”的时期。

    Today , Houston is experiencing a period of rapid " infill ," to use the buzz word of the day .

  24. 我认为不论我们多么努力地填补空白,那是一个很长的空白。

    I think that no matter how we try to fill in the blank , it 's a very long blank .

  25. 当与家人和朋友相处或是看电影时都无法消除孤独的时候,我们就用听广播和看电视来填补空白。

    Even if family , friends and movies should fail , there is sitll the radio or television to fill up the void .

  26. 但是,如果我们要保卫今年令人震惊的成就,就还要做很多工作以填补空白。

    But much more remains to be done to fill the gaps if we are to protect the stunning gains made this year .

  27. 他们希望被给于一个目标和一个一般理论,并利用自己的资源来填补空白。

    They want to be given a goal and a general theory , and use their own resources to fill in the blanks .

  28. 寻找新的精神支柱、重评苏联时期文坛人物与作品、填补空白成为研究热点。

    Searching for new spiritual prop , re-evaluating authors and works at the Soviet Russiatime , and supplying the gaps become the research hotspots .

  29. 找一个小的,深色调的盘子或配菜以填补空白位置。

    Try using a plate small enough to fill with the food , a dark-colored plate or a side dish that fills empty space .

  30. 本文以三次杂文论争史实为基础来研究中国当代杂文具有填补空白的学术价值和意义。

    To study Chinese contemporary essays have to fill the gaps in academic value and significance of this debate three essays based on historical facts .