
tián xiě
  • fill in;complete;write
填写 [tián xiě]
  • [fill in;write] 按照一定要求在需填注处写字或填数字

填写[tián xiě]
  1. 填写全名和地址。

    Fill in your full name and address .

  2. 填写所附上的参赛表并寄回。

    Fill in and return the attached coupon .

  3. 请用印刷体在空白处填写你的姓名和住址。

    Print your name and address clearly in the space provided .

  4. 几位总监负责填写公司的财务报表。

    The directors are responsible for preparing the company 's financial statements .

  5. 表格上有填写地址的空白吗?

    Is there a place on the form to put your address ?

  6. 她填写了一张费用申报单,她的经理批准了。

    She filled in an expenses claim and her manager OK 'd it .

  7. 请用正体大写字母填写表格。

    Please fill out the form in block capitals .

  8. 他创作了乐曲,但我不知道谁填写的歌词。

    He wrote the music but I don 't know who wrote the words .

  9. 2000名顾客填写了我们的调查表。

    2 000 shoppers completed our questionnaire .

  10. 请在空白处填写。

    Please fill in the blanks .

  11. 填写索赔表格。

    Complete a claim form .

  12. 要想参加,只需填写第150页的参赛表格。

    To enter , simply complete the coupon on page 150 .

  13. 仔细填写申请表,并且保存副本。

    Fill out the application carefully , and keep copies of it .

  14. 格雷厄姆·弗莱彻对填写冗长的调查问卷这种事没什么兴趣。

    Graham Fletcher was unimpressed with the idea of filling in a lengthy questionnaire .

  15. 申请表十分重要,坐下来好好填写。

    The application form is important . Sit down and write it out properly .

  16. 填写订单,并按一类邮件寄至注明的地址。

    Fill in the coupon and send it first class to the address shown .

  17. 我们让候选人填写一份心理测试问卷。

    We ask candidates to complete a psychometric questionnaire

  18. 离开前,他到自己的办公室填写了日常考勤表。

    Before leaving , he went into his office to fill in the daily time sheet .

  19. 你将需要填写一张有关生日和职业详情的表格。

    You will be asked to fill in a form with details of your birth and occupation .

  20. 他安排直接向顾客收取费用,免去了顾客填写各种文件的麻烦。

    He arranges to collect the payment from the customer , thus saving the client the paperwork .

  21. 填写下面的订货单即可。

    Simply complete the coupon below

  22. 如需预订名额,请填写187页上的订单,并于10月1号前寄回。

    To book your place fill in the coupon on page 187 and return it by 1st October .

  23. 您如果有捐款的意愿,可以填写一张支票寄给救助儿童基金会。

    If you would like to send a donation , you can make a cheque out to Feed the Children

  24. 任何在税务方面情况稍微复杂的人都可能要填写税收申报表。

    Anyone with slight complications in their tax affairs is likely to be asked to fill in a return .

  25. 填写以下表格,全年订阅即可为您节省6.60英镑。

    Fill in the form below and you will be making a saving of £ 6.60 on a one-year subscription .

  26. 许多人发现表格填写困难。

    Many people find it difficult to fill in a form .

  27. 勿忘填写邮政编码。

    Remember to fill postal code .

  28. 她很快就要成为党员了,她已经填写了入党申请书。

    She 'll soon become a party member , she 's filled out a membership application .

  29. 要得到我们的优惠,只需填写这份优惠表格并把它寄回给我们。

    To take advantage of our special offer , simply fill in the coupon and send it to us .

  30. B:你应该先在星期五之前在网上填写这张表格,然后你会接到一个电话。

    B : You should fill in the form on the Internet by Friday first.Then you will get a call .