
  1. 填充气体容器由封闭透明主体形成,形成空腔。

    A gas-fill vessel is formed from a closed , transparent body , forming a cavity .

  2. 结果表明,填充气体分子的种类对水合物稳定性有明显的决定作用。

    Results show that the species of the included molecules determined the stability of the hydrate .

  3. 填充气体容器与电磁谐振器不邻接(相分离),并与场探头电容性耦合。

    The gas-fill vessel is not contiguous with ( detached from ) the electromagnetic resonator and is capacitively coupled with the field probes .

  4. 结果:填充气体及硅油后眼内气体或硅油后的结构不能看到,但通过改变患者头位及体位,可全方位探查玻璃体及视网膜情况。

    · RESULTS : The intraocular structure could not be observed after intraocular gas or silicon oil stuffing , but the vitreous and retinal conditions could be completely seen by changing patients ' postures .

  5. 本文分析了室内气流速度、设置外遮阳、幕墙朝向、玻璃类型和玻璃夹层的填充气体等因素对玻璃幕墙建筑能耗的影响。

    This paper analyzes the influence of indoor air velocity and the effects of setting of exterior shade , direction of glass curtain wall , glass types and glasses filled different gas on energy consumption in glass curtain buildings .

  6. 研究发现在II型气体水合物结构中填充甲烷气体分子时,其晶格能量低于空晶格的能量。

    When methane molecules are filled in the structure II hydrate lattice , the lattice energy falls below the empty lattice energy .

  7. 水平碳粒填充床上方气体热辐射对阴燃影响

    Influence of gas radiation in layer over horizontal carbon particle bed on smoldering

  8. 填充床中气体流动与气固反应的相互作用

    Interaction between flow of gas mixture and gas-solid reaction in a packed bed

  9. 术中避免导致眼压升高的原因,减少眼内填充硅油和气体,术后密切监测术眼情况,早期发现,并根据原因做积极治疗,保护视功能。

    Avoiding leading causes of intraocular pressure elevation , reduce intraocular silicone oil and gas filled . Closely monitoring the situation in post-operative IOP , the high early IOP can be detectioned and effectively controlled in the normal range . Protect visual function .

  10. 等离子耦合腔行波管的运作需要对其填充等离子体,这往往通过填充气体与电子注的碰撞来实现。

    The plasma filled in the Coupled plasma-cavity traveling wave tube is produced by the collision of the electron beam with filled-gas .