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  • inactivator
  1. 三效热原灭活剂有效氯浓度变化的观察及分析

    Observation on the change of available chlorine concentration in tri-effective pyretogen inactivator

  2. 三效热原灭活剂性能的实验室观察

    Laboratory observation on performance of San Xiao pyrogen inactivator

  3. 但三株病毒感染的细胞培养上清液,用两种灭活剂均未产生HI或NT抗体。

    However , neither HI nor NT antibody was detected out in the culture supernate of cells infected with the3 strains of virus and regardless of inactivators (β - propiolactone or formalin ) used .

  4. 本文采用0.83%碘乙酰胺(CIA)化学灭活剂和热处理灭活方法,对黑木耳单株原生质体灭活,观察了化学灭活与不同温度热灭活的灭活效果。

    We used both 0 . 83 % ( CIA ) chemical inactivated and heat inactivated on the Auricularia auricula mono-strains protoplast . We observed the effect of the chemical inactivated and the effect of the heat inactivated at different temperature .

  5. 几种胆囊粘膜化学灭活剂的灭活效果评价

    Evaluation of Sclerosing Effects of Several Chemical Sclerosants on Gallbladder Mucosa

  6. 液氮等灭活剂的应用可以明显降低复发率。

    The application of liquid nitrogen etc can remarkablely decrease the recurrent rate .

  7. 结论95%酒精可以作为安全、有效的胆囊粘膜化学灭活剂应用于临床。

    Conclusion Ninety-five percent ethanol can be clinically applied as an effective and safe sclerosant .

  8. 世卫组织支持继续将硫柳汞作为疫苗灭活剂和防腐剂使用。

    WHO supports continued use of thiomersal as an inactivating agent and preservative for vaccines .

  9. 另外,血浆被认为是内毒素强有力的灭活剂,即血浆具有很强的灭活内毒素的能力,国内这方面尚无报告。

    Recently , endotoxin inactivation capacity is introduced to evaluate the ability of plasma to inactivate endotoxin .

  10. 成功选择出β丙内酯作为疫苗灭活剂,它不破坏病毒的血凝素抗原,接种反应轻;

    β propiolactone as inactived adjuvant does not weaken the hemagglutination antigen of vaccine and have low aside effect ;

  11. 采用三效热原灭活剂加含有表面活性剂成分的洗洁精,以解决消毒和灭菌后玻璃注射器内壁残留白色结晶问题。

    White crystal residue on the internal walls of glass syringes after disinfection and steril-ization remains to be a problem .

  12. 结果依西美坦是口服有效的芳香化酶灭活剂,其耐受性好、安全性高,在乳腺癌的辅助治疗、新辅助治疗及转移性乳腺癌的治疗中均取得较好疗效。

    Results Exemestane is an effective steroidal aromatase inactivator with superior tolerability , safety and efficacy in the adjuvant , neo-adjuvant and metastatic therapy of breast cancer .

  13. 因此,在进行新流感疫苗研制的同时,开发广谱、高效、环境友好的流感病毒灭活剂,对预防流感的传染具有十分重要的意义。

    Although the development of new effective influenza bacterin is important , it is also important to develop a photocatalyst which has the characteristic of broad-spectrum 、 high efficiency 、 friendly to environment etc.

  14. 这些结果对于我们深入了解光催化杀菌消毒的机理以及开发基于光催化理论的广谱的、高效的、环境友好的病毒灭活剂及其应用技术均具有一定的理论和实际意义。

    Our results can be useful for a better understanding of the bactericidal mechanism of photocatalysis and in the developing of broad-spectrum , high effective and environmental friendly antivirus agents based on photocatalysis .

  15. 采用经典的甲醛作为灭活剂灭活乙脑病毒,按照1:2000的浓度加入甲醛,在4℃作用28天,通过细胞培养-动物法进行灭活验证。

    Use formaldehyde as the classical inactivating agent inactivated JE virus , the concentration of formaldehyde is 1:2000 at 4 ℃ for 28 days . The testing of inactivation validation is cell culture-animal .

  16. 结果试验组热原检测阴性结果占88%,对照组热原检测阴性结果占90%,P>005,多酶清洗剂去热原效果与三效热原灭活剂相比差异无显著性。

    RESULTS The negative rate of pyrogen test in the experiment group was88 % , while that of the control one was90 % , so P > 005 There was no distinct difference in the effects of them .

  17. 方法将被人工污染细菌内毒素的玻璃注射器浸泡在不同浓度、时间的多酶清洗液中至规定时间,然后按GB/T14233.21993行细菌内毒素检测,并与三效热原灭活剂清除效果比较。

    METHODS Immerge glass injector with artificial soiled endotoxin to multi enzyme solution in different concentration and time point till the stated time , then inspect it for the bacterial endotoxin according to GB / T14233.2 1993 , and compare with tri effect pyrogen inactive cleaner .

  18. 方法选1~4岁易感健康儿童63名,随机分为两组,按0,3和0,6程序接种国产甲肝灭活疫苗500U/剂,观察免疫后的局部和全身反应。

    Methods sixty - three susceptible healthy children whose age range from 1 to 4 were divided into two groups at random , and inoculated with 500u / dose according to the 0 , 3 months schedule or 0 , 6 months schedule .

  19. 目的研究猫杯状病毒作为指标,评价化学消毒剂灭活病毒的中和剂试验方法。

    Objective To evaluate the method of neutralization of chemical disinfectant for inactivation of virus with feline calicivirus ( FCV ) as the indicator .