
  1. 周六,大规模的马航失联航班MH370搜索工作重启,并启动水下搜索工作。

    A massive hunt for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 resumed Saturday with newly-mobilized underwater search effort .

  2. 水下搜索工作于周五启动,目的是寻找MH370航班的“黑匣子”。

    The sub-surface search was launched on Friday in an attempt to recover the black box of MH370 .

  3. 目前马来西亚航空公司失联航班MH370数据记录器的水下搜索工作正在进行中。

    An underwater search is now underway for the flight data recorder of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 .

  4. 在今年早些时候搜索工作伊始,水下搜索机器人蓝鳍被寄予很大希望。

    Before the search broke off earlier this year , much hope was pinned on the Bluefin underwater search robot .

  5. 一艘中国船只与一艘澳大利亚潜艇正在进行失联航班“黑匣子”的首次水下搜索工作。

    A Chinese ship is joining an Australian submarine in the first sub-surface search for the flight 's so-called black box .

  6. 同时,据中国海上搜救中心表示,中方将全力参与MH370航班的水下搜索工作。

    Meanwhile , China will go all out for underwater search for flight MH370 , according to China Maritime Search and Rescue Center .

  7. 虽然最新更新的这份地图并不能定位残骸地点,但对于水下搜索船舶而言仍然非常有帮助。

    The new map is not fine enough to show wreckage , but it is a wealth of information to guide under water search vessels .

  8. 澳大利亚官员表示,目前进行的航班水下搜索工作的重点区域为一个半径10公里的圆形范围,预计将在一周内完成。

    Australian officials say the current underwater search for the plane , focused on a tight 10 km circle of the sea floor , could be completed within a week .

  9. 目前有10架军事飞机、3架民用喷气式飞机以及11艘船只参与MH370失联航班的搜索工作,其中进行水下搜索任务的包括澳大利亚“海洋之盾”号军舰以及英国“回声”号海洋调查船。

    Up to 10 military planes , three civil jets and 11 ships are joining the search for MH370 , including Australian navy vessel Ocean Shield and British oceanographic vessel HMS Echo tasked with underwater operations .

  10. 基于UUV组群的水下协同探雷搜索与仿真

    Searching and Simulation of Underwater Cooperative Mine Detection Based on UUV Group

  11. 水下目标快速搜索算法

    The Location Theory Applied to Fast Searching for Underwater Target

  12. 海流环境下基于模糊理论的水下机器人区域搜索

    AUV Region Reconnaissance Based on Fuzzy Theory under Ocean Current

  13. 水下机器人目标搜索与识别系统

    Object Searching and Recognition System Based on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

  14. 航空兵应召反潜是航空兵接获某时刻潜艇概略位置信息后,飞抵潜艇出没海域进行搜索的一种反潜作战样式,其实质是航空兵对水下潜艇的搜索和定位问题。

    Anti-submarine warfare is the problem of searching and relocating the submarine after momentarily revealing its position .

  15. 空军上将休斯顿说,他认为这或许意味着距离投放水下工具进行搜索不远了。

    ' I would imagine it 's not far away before we deploy something to go down and have a look , ' Air Chief Marshal Houston said , referring to the underwater vehicles .

  16. 对于水下机器人区域搜索路径规划问题,设计了基于海流的单元分解法,提出了基于传感器信息的几何法对目标的探测。

    The unit decomposing method was designed to tackle the problem of path planning in certain area in which the AUV aims to search for objects such as mines . Geometry method based on the information of sensors was put forward for detecting underwater objects .

  17. 用于水下缆桩目标搜索的演示实验系统

    Range Automatic Searching of Cable and Target Experiment System Used Underwater

  18. 由于光学自身特性的约束,使得声纳系统在水下机器人的目标搜索和识别方面具有不可取化的地位。

    Because the physical limits of the optical devices , the sonar system play the unreplaceable role in the field of searching and recognizing the underwater object .

  19. 水下成像技术在搜索、援救、探雷、科学成像、目标跟踪、导航控制和目标识别方面有着广泛的应用。

    Underwater imaging technology has a wide range of applications , which in the search , rescue , mine detection , scientific imaging , target tracking , navigation control and target identification .

  20. 水下激光探测技术在水下目标搜索、海洋地质勘探、目标识别等领域都具有重要的应用价值。

    The technology of underwater laser detection has very important practical value at many fields such as detection of underwater target , ocean geological reconnaissance and target recognition .