
  • 网络hydraulic jump energy dissipation
  1. 圆断面倾斜管道内平面水跃消能系数分析

    Energy Dissipation Ratio of Hydraulic Jump in a Sloping Circular Conduit

  2. 低佛氏数宽尾墩水跃消能问题试验研究

    Laboratory Research on Jump Dissipating Energy with Wide-tail-piers Under Low Froude Numbers

  3. 附加射流水跃消能的试验研究

    Study on Additional Jet Flow Hydraulic Jump Dissipation

  4. 低佛氏数水跃消能理论在渠首工程设计中的应用

    Application of Low-Fred Value water leap energy consuming theory in ditch head project design

  5. 水跃消能是水利工程中经常用到的消能形式,国内外许多学者对水跃进行了大量的研究。

    Hydraulic jump is often used in energy dissipation engineering and has been studied by many scholars .

  6. 辅助消能工的水力特性及在闸下低佛氏数水跃消能中的应用

    Hydraulic Characteristics of Auxiliary Energy Dissipater and its Application in Energy Dissipation by Hydraulic Jump with Low Froude number

  7. 阐述在设计大单宽流量低佛氏数水跃消能工所遇到的问题,以及此类型泄水建筑物水跃消能的特点和所要解决的问题。

    Some common problems are studied which rose in design of hydraulic jump dissipaters for big unit width flux and small Froude number flow .

  8. 本研究提出了一种新型的用于低水头、大单宽流量、低佛氏数水跃的消能防冲的消能工型式&T型墩(置于海漫浆砌石段)。

    In this article , a new type energy dissipater , T-shape pier is lied on cement-rubble apron , which is used in energy dissipation and erosion of low head and low Fr. hydraulic jump and high single breadth discharge , is bring up .

  9. 研究表明,U形渠道的水跃有良好的消能效果,其消能作用优于矩形渠道和梯形渠道,接近于三角形渠道。

    The study indicates that water jump in the U shaped channel has good effect upon energy dissipation , whose energy dissipation is superior to that by the rectangle channel and the trapezoidal channel , approaching the triangle channel .