
  • 网络high head
  1. 高水头船闸型式选择探讨

    Investigation on the Selection of a Lock Type with High Head

  2. 高水头大泄量旋涡竖井式泄洪洞的设计研究

    Design principle of high head and large discharge vortex drop spillway

  3. 500m水头段高水头混流式水轮机的选型设计

    Application of Vertical Mixed Flow Turbine within Head Range 500 m

  4. 基于GEO-SLOPE分析高水头作用下水库对隧道的渗流影响

    The Analysis of Effects of Reservoir under the High Water Head upon Tunnel Seepage Flow Based on GEO-SLOPE

  5. 泄洪隧洞工作水头达120m,采用双孔合一的闸门布置形式,高水头大流量的泄洪消能问题十分突出;

    The maximum operation head of spillway tunnels is 120m , two orifices of water gate combine to be a hole in the spillway tunnels , the problem of discharge and energy dissipation is very complex ;

  6. 小浪底水利枢纽排沙洞工作闸门的设计水头为122m,其止水的设计既要考虑高水头闸门止水的需要,又要考虑泥沙的影响,具有一定的特点。

    The design level of working gate for desilting tunnel of Xiaolangdi Water Control Project is 122 m. The design of its water stop not only should consider the requirements of high-head gate but also take the influence of silt into account .

  7. 高水头、长距离倒虹吸压力钢管道整体水压试验

    Hydrostatic test on high water-head and long-distance inverse suction pressure piping

  8. 高水头压力钢管伸缩节止水材料的试验研究和实际运用

    Test Research and Application of the High & head Steel Penstock

  9. 高水头弧形闸门止水型式研究

    Research on the sealing type of high water head radial gate

  10. 高水头水电站蜗壳结构受力特性研究

    Research on stressed characteristic of scroll case in high-head hydropower station

  11. 高水头下水库无压泄水洞的二维紊流数值模拟

    Two-dimensional turbulent-flow numerical modeling in non-pressure tunnel of high water-head reservoir

  12. 高水头船闸是内河船闸逐步发展方向。

    River lock development is gradually developing towards the high-head lock .

  13. 高水头水泵水轮机工况转换期瞬间异常声音分析

    Analysis of abnormal sounds in working condition change-over for high-head pump-turbine

  14. 高水头水电站主阀的选型

    Selection of Main Valve in High Water Level Hydroelectric Power Stations

  15. 高水头冲击水轮发电机组交流励磁控制系统研究

    Research on AC-excited Control System for High-head Impulse Turbine Generator Set

  16. 高水头大尺寸闸门流激振动原型观测研究

    Study of Flow-induced Vibration for the High-head and Large Dimension Gate

  17. 高水头作用下水工压力隧洞的水力劈裂分析

    Analysis of hydraulic fracturing in hydraulic tunnels under high water pressure

  18. 高水头水力机械试验台控制系统的改进

    Improvement of Control System for High head Hydraulic Test Stand

  19. 高水头混流式水轮机的结构及运行特性

    The Structure and Operation Characteristics of Francis Turbine with High Rated Head

  20. 高水头大流量泄洪建筑物的泄洪安全研究

    Research Flood Releasing Safety of Flood Discharge Structure with High-head & Large-discharge

  21. 高水头船闸阀门空化改善措施的研究

    The Research on Valves Cavitation of High - head Lock

  22. 回填式高水头压力钢管设计实践与研究

    Practice and Discuss on the High-head Penstock Design Adopting the Backfilling Type

  23. 高水头平面钢闸门静力特性分析研究

    Research on Static Property of Planar High Pressure Steel Gate

  24. 涡流式内消能工及其在高水头泄水建筑物中的应用

    Application of Turbine Internal Dissipator in High Head Outlet Structures

  25. 高水头岸边泄洪洞水力特性的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of hydraulic characteristics of high head spillway tunnel

  26. 高水头泄水建筑物掺气坎体型研究

    Experimental study on aerator type of hydraulic structures with high water head

  27. 高水头大流量泄洪隧洞体型优化数值模拟研究

    Numerical Study on Configuration Optimization of High Head Large Flood Discharge Tunnel

  28. 高水头船闸中间渠道内涌浪问题的研究

    Study on Surge Problem in the Connecting Canal Between the High Lift Locks

  29. 高水头船闸通水减蚀效果的探讨

    The research on abatement of cavitation by through water in high lift lock

  30. 多泥沙中高水头电站水轮机生产技术措施

    Tech-measures of Production of Hydro-turbine for Plant With Medium-higher Head on Silt-loaded Stream