
xiáng shí
  • full and accurate
详实 [xiáng shí]
  • [full and accurate] 详细而确实

  • 详实的材料

详实[xiáng shí]
  1. 接着对市场上相关数据进行了收集、筛选、分析和总结,一方面对企业的内、外部环境进行SWOT分析,也对市场竞争的特点进行了较详实的探讨;

    Then collect , screen , analyse and summarize to the relevant data on the market , On one hand whether enterprise inside , external environment condition carry on SWOT analyse too characteristic in market competition carry on full and accurate discussion relatively ;

  2. 本论文以严谨的内容、详实的数据、直观的图表、从宏观与微观等多个角度进行研究分析,准确把握PCB行业发展趋势,洞悉此行业竞争格局。

    In this paper , with the rigorous content full and accurate data , intuitive charts , it makes research and analysis from the macro and micro aspects to have an accurate grasp on PCB industry development trends and understand the industry competition pattern .

  3. 全面并详实地阐述了如何使用VISUALBASIC语言实现数据库的设计。

    It expounds in detail on how to use visual basic language to realize the design of data bace .

  4. 对美国企业巨头们的巨额财富,大手笔的买卖,和重大决定的近距离的详实了解(b哈佛商业评论)

    Up - close glimpses of the big money , big deals , and big decisions of America 's entrepreneurial giants ( bHarvard Business Review )

  5. 最新一期《财富》(Fortune)杂志刊登了关于大卫•格芬的详实报道,从多个角度描绘了这一时代好莱坞最具影响力的人。

    In its new issue , fortune talks at length to David Geffen , the most powerful man in Hollywood for a generation .

  6. 这本手册的篇幅堪与乔治·RR·马丁的巨著媲美,因此手册内容不可谓不详实。

    At George R. R. Martin length , the document is thorough to say the least .

  7. 在这个奇怪的开篇之后,《梦境:探究陌生的睡眠科学》(Dreamland:AdventuresintheStrangeScienceofSleep)随即以详实的内容对那些个让人苦恼的8小时进行了引人入胜的探索。

    After this curious opening gambit , dreamland , subtitled adventures in the strange science of sleep , turns out to be an engaging , well-reported exploration of those fraught eight hours .

  8. 首先介绍了基于双CPU模式RTU遥测单元的设计思想,通过详实资料描述了该系统硬件组成与软件设计特点。

    It introduced the designing idea of RTU remote measurement unit based on dual-CPU , described aspects of hardware structure and software design by detailed data .

  9. 详实阐述了对国产加氢转化脱有机硫(HDS)Mo-Co/r-Al2O3催化剂载体r-Al2O3进行改进的结构机理。

    The improvements of HDS catalyst carrier r-Al_2O_3 were detailed described in this paper .

  10. 利用ANSYS软件对数控万能铣头主轴进行数值模拟分析,求出其应力分布状况,找出危险区域,为主轴的设计和失效分析提供了详实可靠的理论依据。

    The numerical analysis of the numerical control omnipotence mill principal axis , with using ANSYS software , and the relevant stress distribution graph were obtained , thereby providing the manufacturer with detailed and reliable data .

  11. 本论文在仔细详实研究了矿山地质报告和总结矿山多年生产实践的基础上对岩体质量分级指标进行了估算,然后以岩体质量分级指标为主要依据,应用Hoek-Brown准则进行了岩体力学参数取值研究。

    Then it takes the quality grading index for main basis , and uses Hoek-Brown to study rock mechanics parameters .

  12. 采用基于FPGA的数字倍频实现稳态电流同步采样,文中详细阐述了数字倍频原理及实现。采用VHDL语言编程并仿真、实测,对实验结果进行了详实的对比分析。

    Realize synchronous sampling of steady state current by the digital frequency multiplier programmed with VHDL language on FPGA . The digital frequency multiplier was simulated , measured , and the results were analyzed in detail .

  13. 现在甚至还有专门为最有趣、最卓越和最详实的tweet而设置的奖项,另外还有跟踪不同Twitter应用程序的状态的在线应用程序。

    There are even awards now for funniest , most sublime , and most fact-filled tweets , plus online applications that track the state of the various Twitter applications out there .

  14. 对于X乳品公司酸奶事业部物流现状做深入、全面、详实的了解和分析,对其物流方案进行设计,一定程度上对于国内乳品行业酸奶产品物流发展规划,具有较强的实际参考价值。

    For X dairy yogurt business logistics status to do in-depth , comprehensive , detailed understanding and analysis , the analysis and design of logistics solutions , to a certain degree the domestic dairy industry yogurt products logistics development planning , with strong practical value .

  15. 本文作者运用大量详实的统计数字,对我国加入WTO以后木材工业将面临的现实问题、发展趋势、应对措施、市场环境,从专业角度均进行了精辟的分析、论述。

    The author states and analyzes the problems , development trend , interrelated measure , and market environment of the lumber industry when our country join in the WTO from the professional angel . A great deal of detail statistical figures is used in this paper .

  16. 涉及到Win32虚拟设备驱动程序编写的几个关键问题,以及数字信号的数据更新与排队算法的实践,并附以详实的源程序加以说明。

    It concerns several key problems in Win32 subjunctive equipment driving programming and numerical signal data updating and its sorting which are followed with the original programme as a further explanation .

  17. 本章从宏观体制的市场化改革与微观企业的产权改革两方面为大股东控制下的CEO变更问题研究提供了详实的制度背景分析。

    From the perspective of marketization reform of the macroscopical system and the property right reform of the microcosmic enterprises , the paper provides detailed system background analysis for the research on the CEO turnover under the control of large shareholders .

  18. 结论:术前各媒体客观详实的宣传和专业人员咨询是提高Norplant埋植剂续用率的保障。

    Conclusion : Pre operative publication by different mass media and recommendation from professionals can guarantee the increase of the continuous use rate of Norplant implant contraception .

  19. 本文通过对PWM可逆整流器数学模型的分析,阐明了PWM可逆整流器的基本工作原理,较为详实的分析了系统的稳态工作过程,以及参数变化对系统性能的影响;

    Based on the analysis of the PWM reversible rectifier mathematical model , this paper illustrates its fundamental operation principle . Moreover , the work process of PWM reversible rectifier system is analyzed in detail and effects on the system when parameters changed are presented meanwhile .

  20. 因此《亚裔美国人的故事》和其他详实充分,内容广泛的亚裔美国人历史书有着很大相似之处,特别是高木罗纳(RonaldTakaki)1989年的著作《异岸来的陌生人》(StrangersFromaDifferentShore)。

    In that regard , " The Making of Asian America " shares strong similarities with other broad , inclusive Asian-American histories , most obviously Ronald Takaki 's " Strangers From a Different Shore , " first published in 1989 .

  21. 通过收集200篇国内外船舶船舶碰撞事故报告,并对数据进行分析提取,提出合适的事故结果及影响因素数据量化标准,最终建立包含172起事故详实数据的SPSS数据库。

    Through the collection of more than 200 domestic and international ship collision accident reports , data have been extracted and analyzed . The quantitative relationships and criteria between accident results and affected factors have been proposed and a SPSS database containing detailed data on 172 accidents has been established .

  22. 本研究为湿法采样器的研究和开发提供了详实的实验数据和可靠的理论依据。首先,通过测定纳米TiO2与多种溶剂的接触角,确定二次蒸馏水作为Ti02气溶胶的最佳捕集液。

    Detailed experimental data and powerful theoretical evidence were obtained for the research and development of wet sampler . Firstly , secondary distilled water was determined to be the best collection fluid by testing the contact angle of nano-TiO2 with variety of solvent .

  23. 详实地阐述了新型Mo-V-P杂多酸催化剂的制备方法及其应用实例&催化合成苯甲酸正丁酯新工艺。

    The preparation method of new type Mo-V-P ( Keggin type heteropolyacid ) catalyst and new technique for catalyze synthesis n-butyl benzoate with this catalyst ( applied example ), which were detailed described in this paper .

  24. 发布详实信息。实现以上任务,需要有效的网络管理予以支持。

    Efficient net-management is needed to carry out the above tasks .

  25. 结果:收回内容详实问卷216份。

    RESULTS : Totally 216 questionnaires with detailed contents were collected .

  26. 《太平广记》是唐宋时期一部重要小说史料,它为我们提供丰富详实的唐朝社会史资料。

    Is a important story of history in the Tang-Song period .

  27. 基于语料库的方法能够对其进行更加详实和科学的分析。

    The corpus-base approach can analyze DMs clearer and more scientifically .

  28. 对注塑模制和加工具有详实的知识。

    Demonstrated detailed knowledge understanding of plastics injection moulding tooling .

  29. 第三,提出了梅雨锋的详实结构及其维持机理;

    The structure of Meiyu front and its maintenance mechanism are discussed .

  30. 为企业及有关部门提供了详实资料。

    It provides enterprises and relative departments with detailed data .