
jī xiè wù chā
  • mechanical error
  1. 并联六自由度平台机构机械误差分析与检测

    Mechanical Error Analysis and Measurement of Parallel 6 Degree of Freedom Platform

  2. 根据计算的卫星轨迹和粗跟踪系统机械误差,得到了粗跟踪系统的带宽设计结果;

    According to the trajectory of the satellite and the mechanical error of the CTS , the bandwidth design of CTS is obtained .

  3. CCD摄像机的误差一般分光学误差、机械误差和电学误差。

    The errors usually include optical errors , mechanical errors and electric errors .

  4. 机械误差对凸轮机构动态性能的影响

    The Effect of Mechanical Errors on The Dynamic Performance in CAM Mechanism

  5. 因为过长的拉杆很难保证精确的机械误差,故可以用缆索。

    Since precise mechanical tolerance is difficult to maintain over a long shaft , pulling with a cable may be necessary .

  6. 本文分析了位置传感器的机械误差和电气误差对换向的影响,指出了减小换向误差的途径。

    This paper studies what will happen when there are mechanical and electrical errors in position sensor , and how to decrease errors .

  7. 由于存在机械误差和放大因素存在的误差,几乎所有电阻式触摸屏的设备在出厂前均要经过一定的校准。

    Due to mechanical error and the amplification factors of error , almost all of the resistive touch screen devices have to go through a certain calibrated .

  8. 以信息化轨迹校正、消除机械误差和干扰对轨迹精度的影响,从而保证加工精度的准确。

    The influence of mechanical error and interference on track precision is avoided and amended by using informatization track , therefore , the accuracy of the machining accuracy is assured .

  9. 将陀螺和加速度计的机械误差、物理量误差、标度因数及量化误差等测量值输入补偿模块,进行二位置寻北解算和转角误差补偿。

    Tested values of mechanical error , physical error , graduation factor and quantizing error were input into compensation module , then made the two-position seeking north computing and error compensation of rotate angle .

  10. 通过研究柱塞泵制造过程中的随机误差,明确提出了机械误差对曲柄柱塞泵流量的影响。

    On the basis of studying the chance error occurred in the manufacturing process of plunger pump , the writer puts forward the influence of mechanical error on the flow rate of the crank plunger pumps .

  11. 基于二位置寻北方案的寻北仪误差模型,理论分析了速率偏频激光陀螺误差、速率偏频参数、寻北仪机械误差、光学基准标定误差等对寻北精度的影响。

    Based on the error models of two-position sampling scheme , the errors of rate biased RLG , the rate biased parameters , the mechanical error and the demarcated error of optical norm are analyzed theoretically .

  12. 综合考虑导致机械误差因素的随机性,建立含间隙平面连杆机构精度概率分析模型。

    Considering the randomicity of errors causing mechanical errors , and statistic and stochastic theories used , probabilistic error analysis models about kinetic and dynamic output parameters for planar linkage with clearances at joints are established .

  13. 同时通过仿真讨论了轧机机械误差、来料变化,轧辊磨损对轧机两侧轧制力变化的影响规律,为平整轧制中轧制力的控制提供了理论基础。

    At the same time , it take into account the mill mechanical error , incoming changed and roller wear in mill roll to impact of both sides of the rolling force changed . It provided a theoretical basis for rolling force control .

  14. 结果表明,影响寻北仪短时寻北精度的误差主要有量化误差和角度随机游走误差,而寻北仪的机械误差在没有扰动下是固定误差。

    The results show that the north finding precision , in short turn north finding , is primary influenced by quantification error and angle random work error . The mechanical error of north finder is a fixed error when there is no perturbation . 3 .

  15. 对于机械定位误差主要从X射线源定位、工件定位和旋转中心定位三方面进行分析、建模和仿真。

    It researches the modeling and simulation for the X-ray source location , workpiece position and orientation of mechanical position errors .

  16. 基于CPLD设计的高速机械传动误差采集模块

    Transmission error sampling module based on CPLD

  17. RBF网在机械加工误差复映中的应用技术研究

    Research on the Application Technology of RBF Network to the Error Reflection in the Mechanic Processing

  18. MTi中微机械陀螺误差测试、建模及补偿研究

    Research on Drift Instrumentation Modeling and Compensation for MEMS Gyroscope in MTi

  19. 3-RPS对称并联式机械腿误差模型及分析

    Error Model and Analysis of 3-RPS Symmetrical Parallel Robot Leg with Three Degree-of-Freedom

  20. 影响机械加工误差的因素有多种。

    There are many factors influencing the errors of mechanical process .

  21. 机械加工误差是非常复杂的非线性问题。

    Machining error is a very complex non & linear problem .

  22. 机械加工误差的分析

    Move Towards Equipment Reconfiguration Analysis of the errors of mechanical process

  23. 机械加工误差对主动磁悬浮轴承性能的影响

    Influence of Machining Error on the Performance of Active Magnetic Bearing

  24. 用于晶圆传输的同步带传动机械手误差分析与补偿

    Error Analysis and Compensation of Synchronous Belt Drive Manipulator for Wafer Transmission

  25. 精密机械热误差校正机理及参数遗传优化

    Thermal error calibration principle of precision machine and parameter genetic optimization algorithms

  26. 三轴机械几何误差辨识新方法的研究

    Research on a New Identification Approach for Geometric Errors of Three-axis Machines

  27. 研究了硅微陀螺仪机械耦合误差的产生机理。

    The mechanism of mechanical coupling errors of silicon microgyroscopes was studied .

  28. 精密机械热误差校正的遗传优化设计

    Genetic optimization algorithms for thermal error calibration of precision machines

  29. 旋转载体驱动的硅微机械陀螺误差研究

    Errors Analysis of Silicon Micro-machined Gyroscope Driven by Rotating Carrier

  30. 极值法在机械加工误差分析中的运用

    The Application of Extremum Method in Machining Error Analysis