
  1. 如果我把她的记录本藏起来,她拿出蒂娜的记录本然后还给了她。

    If I hide her schedule book , She got Tina 's schedule book and gave it back to Tina .

  2. 本来这张画并没有名字,在1934年,艺术史家帕诺夫斯基(ErwinPanofsky)根据16世纪的著录,将作品定名为“阿尔诺菲尼的婚礼”,本画目前藏于伦敦国家美术馆。

    " The Arnolfini Marriage " is a name that has been given to this untitled double portrait by Erwin Panofsky according to a16th 's writting in1934 , now in the National Gallery , London .

  3. 我交叉起手臂,把日记本合上藏在一只手臂下。

    I fold my arms , tucking my notebook under one arm to hide it .

  4. 这种“浓缩咖啡印书机”可以在数分钟内打印、装订并制作出一本跟图书馆藏的平装纸质图书一样的书,而且还带全彩的平装本封面。

    The Espresso Book Machine can print , bind and trim a single-copy library-quality paperback book complete with a full-color paperback cover in a few minutes .

  5. 本研究从藏文化的基本精神、后象征文化的特征以及全球化背景下的文化冲击三个方面探析这些特点背后的文化根源。

    The research probes into the cultural origin hidden behind these characteristics from the three aspects : the basic spirit of Zang culture , the features of post-figurative culture , and culture interaction .

  6. 本区成藏条件优越,油藏类型为断块油气藏,油气藏的形成主要受构造、岩性双重控制,其中岩性是基础,构造是关键;

    Reservoir forming conditions were superior in this area , and this reservoir belonged to faulted block reservoir . The forming of the reservoir was mainly determined by structure and lithology these two factors , among which , lithology was a basic one and structure was a critical one .

  7. 在总结气藏地质模型和流体分布规律的基础上,研究本区气藏形成模式、控制因素及天然气富集区块,提出本区进一步勘探开发部署建议。

    On the basis of summarizing the gas reservoir geological model and fluid occurrence , some suggestions on the further exploration and development disposition are put forward in the paper in consideration of the gas reservoir formation pattern , its control factors and gas enrichment areas in the field .

  8. 一本希腊文的书藏在我的一个罐子后面。

    A book in Greek was hidden behind one of my jars .

  9. 重力流相发育区为本区油气藏形成的有利部位。

    The regions developing gravity flow facies are favorable for oil pool formation .

  10. 本院外文期刊藏刊的现状与发展对策

    Th Present Condition Analysis and Development Countermeasure of Specialized Foreign language Periodicals in Our Institute

  11. 而脾为后天之本,是肾藏精的基础。

    The spleen provides the material basis for the acquired constitution , and is necessary for the function of kidney .

  12. 晚期运移发生在晚中新世&上新世,由于该时期恰逢生烃中心进入生排烃高峰,且研究区内发生了最大的一次构造运动,所以成为本区关键成藏期。

    The second hydrocarbon migration happened during the late Miocene when the source rock reached the generation and expulsion peak of hydrocarbon and was the key hydrocarbon generation period .

  13. 在含气系统的背景中,本区天然气藏的分布规律较为清楚,控制成藏的地质条件比较明朗。

    In the background of the gas systems , the distribution laws of natural gas and the geological conditions of controlling gas reservoir formation are clear in the basin .

  14. 大地构造的演化,特别是中新生代的块断作用及其活化历史对于本区油气藏的形成和保存具有重要的影响,并且是一个控制性的因素。

    The tectonic evolution especially the tectonic reactivation during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic is of important influence and is one of the controlling factors for the formation and preservation of oil and gas pools .